Thread: Retribution
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Old May 4th, 2017, 10:04 PM
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It’s ya boi nighty
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Default Re: Retribution

Originally Posted by moonfang View Post
[FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][CENTER]{ @Nighty @Empress Of Evil @Brooklyn Trees Empress, Brook, mind if i tag ya? heh.... }

She stepped along side the leader, her eyes focused on the border. This is the last time they fought the Syndicate. Or it better be. She felt a growing snarl in her chest, and at the call of Grousestar, she did just that. Attacked. With the ease of her strengthened legs she bolted off into the forest, yowling in a battle cry. She was done with the attacks. She was done since Cliffheart was attacked. Now, it was her turn. She could feel the dirt beneath her unsheathed claws and she had on a angered, battle-ready face. It was time SkyClan proved their place.

She ran into the trees, dodging and passing them, feeling slightly out of breath from the amount of energy she had to use. She was ready. She thought about her kits, her mate, her own life. She thought about Onyx and his little group, and about how they had started this. If he didn't attack, they wouldn't have had this issue. Now she had it out for him and him alone. She was ready to end his life, a thought in her mind thinking if she ended him, she ended it all. So, she scanned, and, she was ready. 3... 2... 1...


{ @Raine wanna rp ajax and onyx? }

He was more prepared, as he suspected it, but no one listened, and now, they were unprepared. Not him. e was ready for blood, a malicious smile crossing his maw as his icy blue orbs flickered, hearing the battle cries of the cats, and here he stood, and looked back. "Alright! This is what we trained for!" he called, and looked for Halite, and saw him not. Growling, he then turned to Ajax. He gave him a quick nod before he turned to the approaching clan. "Syndicate! Ready yourselves! SkyClan approaches to end us!" he called over, and then, seeing them, he smiled. "And we will not be beaten! This is where we show them who truly rules these woods!" he yowled, and then bolted off. He was more than ready.

He closed in as they did, and instantly was attacked by a reddish brown molly, her yellow orbs alight with hate. And he knew she knew him. And she did. She pounced on him, grabbing the scruff of his neck, in which he easily threw her down. "Bad move, darling." he said with a breath, and a small laugh. "Perfect for a bad tom, Onyx!" she snapped at him, and again lunged at him, and slammed into his shoulder. Down he went with a laugh. He looked about for his companion. "Oh, darling. Such a shame. You seemed nice, but I'm afraid, in order to save my clan, if you will..." he started, and looked at her, his eyes glowing. "I must end you." and he launched, and the molly was unprepared. The pain, the impact, all of it sent her through the grass, where he then pounced on her, pinning her shoulders to the ground with a snarl. "The king mus protect his kingdom. I do hope you understand." he said, and clawed her neck. She yowled, and mustered the strength to through him off, in which he only rose again and laughed. "You are strong, clan-er." he said, and snarled. "Not strong enough!" and he again launched, and bit her neck, making her yowl. She shouldered him, but as he flew back, he swiped his paw in a last attempt, and was pleased with the outcome. The yowl, then the thud of the molly crumpling to the ground. It was purrfect. "If only you knew..." she choked, blood seeping from the corners of her maw. He smiled menacingly, raising a paw, ready to finish her off.

{ Nighty, what if beach comes in and tries to stop onyx, he tries to steal him, scorched gets enough strength to stop him in which she's struck again, and then yeah... }
[ehhhhhh it's happeninggggggg but yes sounds good]

The small tom bounded over the hill, excitement bubbling through his pelt. He was so ready to do this. He could be just like his father, his mother, Grousestar, Auntie Aurora (xD) He could be great like them. It was only then as he burst into the clearing, tend and blue tail bushed up, that he saw it. Some dark gray tom leaning over his mother. Starclan what was happening to her? Why did she have that stuff leaking from her? Eww it smelled gross! He could help, so bravely, he bushed his pelt and flung himself at the False King, his tiny kit frame colliding softly against the hind leg of him. He nipped and tugged at Onyx, his kit claws scrabbling furiously at him. "Leave my Mommy alone! Do it before my Daddy, Cliffheart sees! He won't be very happy with you!" He growled in his squeaky little voice.

Singe was caught completely off guard by the horde of cats streaming in to meet the Syndicate. It took him only a moment before he realized what this was. It was those weak little Skyclan cats, scared that the Syndicate was going to overthrow them. Which, if Singe was being honest, he did want to overthrow them, as he had been kicked from his home due to their snotty know it all leader. Hopefully he wouldn't run into him out here, but if he did then it would be some great comeback. This was his home now and he would protect it and fight for it as he did in Windclan. There would be no fleeing for safety now. Besides, his kits were old enough to fight, as they had all chosen to become fighters. He bounced to his paws, instincts taking over, claws sliding out. He snarled at the oncoming wave of cats and hurled himself at some random feline, who's name happened to be Rainpebble.

Calixto was just about to tuck into his prey when it happened. There were these howls, these cries, they just seemed to engulf the clearing in a matter of moments. What...who...why...the heck was happening? It took him several moments to figure it out, but before he could put words to it, he flung himself into battle. Thoughts began swirling. What about Illusion, or Hades, his brother in law? They would be fine, they knew how to take care of themselves. He lashed out at a nearby cat, whose scent reeked of Starclan. Some tom he hadn't met before, but good thing, he didn't want anything to do with Skyclan, he just wished that they felt the same way about the Syndicate and would leave them alone. Obviously not though, as they were engaging a sneak attack. His worries though we're on the kits, the trainees, and the hunters. They didn't know how to fight well, hopefully they would survive. Now was the only time he had ever doubted how the Syndicate was run. The separation between fighters and hunters would be obvious, and could possibly bring about the downfall. (For Calix and Blazing)

@starfall again xD

Amya raced out of the trainees den. The noise and commotion startling her. This...this chaos was definetky not in her agenda for the day. She had just been hoping for a nap and then a training session with Ajax. All could have been well, but now here were these blokes who were ruining her plan. Now they would show them. Time to take, save and protect their home. Her mother had died protecting her, and now she would do it for the next closest thing she had to family, the Syndicate. She was smart in battle, knowing not to get cocky, now she wished she had more training though. She would work with what she knew and trust her instincts to carry her through. She picked out a smaller apprentice, close to her size. Her pelt bushed out, and her stumped tail wiggling wildly, she flung herself at the apprentice, ready to fight and give her all. (For Sweetpaw)

@Empress Of Evil

[poor Cliff unaware that his son and mate have joined him in this battle]

The tan warrior surged forwards with his Clan, yowling at the Syndicate. At this moment, his twisted limb wasn't affecting him, and he ran just fine. He assumed it was the heat of battle, but who was to say? He sprang forward, launching at a cat he knew the name of. He had never met this cat personally, but figured it was him due to the things he had heard. Hades, it was a name that he knew, like Hannibal and Onyx. He launched at the cat, growling and hissing. His claws were unsheathed. This would be payback for everything the Syndicate had caused him, even if it wasn't the actual cat that caused it.

Chirppaw rushed in, her short stocky limbs letting her pulse forward beside her Clan. She entered the clearing, and was momentarily struck by its similarity to the clan camp. It had its den, it's nursery, it's leader den, it fighter den. They lived like them, in a more ruthless sort of way. Why were they fighting them? Could the Syndicate just be like another Clan? No. They were murderers. They deserved this. Now was her chance to show Auroraflame that she could handle herself in battle. So she launched herself at a cat, not taking note of the size, age or muscles of the cat. She just lashed out blindly, which was not the smartest thing she could have done.
(For Chirp and Mercury)


Pidgeonpaw rushed forwards and stopped at the entrance. She couldn't do this! She had just turned seven moons old! She didn't know how to fight in a battle like this! She couldn't....nope...not today. She was about to turn around when something made her stay. This was her Clan. They wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, right? Right. They were fighting to stop this killing nonsense, and no way was she planning to loose her life. They were here to stop the border fights, the murders. They would win and come out victorious! (So sorry it's so short for Bellatrix btw)
~Mony will forever be my Twin Star~
~~ yo it’s nighty ~~
~~ I’m trying to come back. All my character will be scrapped and I’ll be starting over. Some of my characters will remain in Starclan, all my main ones. They’re open for roleplay if you would like that. Other than that I’m starting over completely. ~~