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Old December 4th, 2016, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: "Always On The Run" [Hybrid Limited-RP]

Originally Posted by Robin-chan View Post
In the small, seemingly normal town of Northbury, the quiet residents of it’s streets were calm, quiet folk. There wasn’t much crime or anything that people needed to worry about. However, within the houses of the town, families of animal hybrids lived out their lives, not causing trouble, but knowing that society would never accept them, they kept to themselves in hopes of living a normal life. That was not the case though, soon the Government found out their whereabouts and saw them as a threat to the town and the world itself. Many people armed with guns and with an order to kill an hybrid on sight, the half-animal, half-humans had to flee into the large forest that surrounded the town, known as Plyth Forest. With the families of the hybrids defending their home, they told their children to run before it was too late. Some stayed to fight, refusing to leave, but that cost them their lives. Five teens, ranging in age and gender, fled from the life they knew, into the wild to escape, guns and death chasing after them in the dark forest.

Hi everyone! This is Robin-chan here to bring you a brand-new roleplay plot! This was actually the first ever rp that I ever participated in back in April when I first joined WCO on the old site. Although the people that were once apart of this story are gone or have forgotten it, I decided to bring it back to a new group. Please enjoy! This plot holds a special place in my heart, being my first role-playing experience in WCO.
)- Rules -(
One: All posts must be over three sentences, please put effort and detail into them.
Two: You must have either one or two animal transformations.
Three: Due to site rules, please censor any cursing that you use in your posts.
Four: No sexual content, bring that to the pms. Though romance is always welcome.
Five: There will be violence in this role-play, don’t get *too* graphic, I don’t wanna get in trouble.
Six: You can either rp as one of the people going after the hybrids or one of the hybrids.
Seven: Ages of the five hybrids are between 13 to 18, nothing over or under that, please.
Eight: Yes, you can be mythical creatures like unicorns or dragons for your hybrid.
Application Form
Full Name:
Current Age:
Personality Traits:
Appearance: (detailed description/linked picture)
Backstory: (optional)
Love Interest:
Questions: (optional)

Additional Information: (optional)
Full name: Blizzard Claw
Gender: F
Currant age: 14
Personality traits: She is very firery and you never know what she'll do next, she is loving and loyal to the people she loves, (Don't get in her way)

Backstory: Her mother ran off to care for a tiger that her father had shot in the leg. When belle found the tiger she looked at its leg, she saw a cloud surround its body, when it went away she no longer saw a tiger, she saw a boy, about her age. they started talking and they fell in love, a couple years later Blizzard was born, when she was 14 people started attacking them. her parents stayed behind and said they would come in a little while, she ran into the forest and never saw her parents again. she was running and she ran into a cave there was a white tiger, he kept her warm. he is not a hybrid just a normal tiger.
Love: male
Questions: N/A
Other: N/A
]:cool2uh purrrfect chilz:cool2:

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