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Old January 24th, 2018, 10:48 PM
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Empress Of Evil Empress Of Evil is offline
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Default Re: Tumbleshade Kit Finder

Name;; Swankit - Swanpaw - Swanblood
[Swan - For her beauty]
[Blood - The blood, sweat and tears she's gone through to deal with being half blind]

Gender;; Female

Appearance;; Ref 1 | Ref 2 | Ref 3 | Ref 4
Swankit mostly takes after her mother in appearance. Like her mother, she has ginger fur, although her's is a lighter shade. Much like her father, her body is fully ginger, with the exception of one white patch on her chest. Her eyes are green with a blue tint. Her fur is short and thin and great for green-leaf, but not so great for leaf-bare. Her build is lean and muscled, but not quite bulky. She is of an average height and skinnier than most.

Personality;; Outgoing | Loyal | Reckless | Flirty | Sensitive
Swanblood is VERY loud. Even in a crowd of screaming cats, she would probably be the loudest of them all. She is very friendly and easily get along with. She is a social butterfly and spends every possible moment that she can talking. She cannot keep quiet and can't sit still either. She seems to have an endless supply of energy in her and is very clumsy. Swanblood has a great sense of humour and is constantly joking around. She doesn't mind playing a prank or two either and she never backs down from a dare. Despite being very confident, Swanblood is quite a modest cat because she doesn't wish to seem boastful.
To Swanblood, her friends, family and clan are the most important things in her life. She would never ever do anything to hurt them on purposely and always puts them before herself. Nothing is more important to her than making sure they're all safe. She is very selfless, even for her enemies. There is no need to question her loyalty as it's clear to see she would never betray or hurt any of those cats. Because of the strong bonds she has formed with her friends and family, she can become rather overprotective. She doesn't want to see any of them getting hurt and will do everything she possibly can to keep them safe. Her overprotective nature can be quite annoying at times, but she's only doing it because she cares.
It's great that Swanblood cares so deeply for those around her, but there is a possibility that she cares too much for the well being of her family and friends. She does so many great things for others, but in turn that can lead to her doing something stupid without her thinking about it. She doesn't think about what she's going to do first and just does it, especially when it comes to dares. She would charge in without a hesitation if she needed to save a family member. She doesn't think about the consequences and doesn't plan things out.
With her confident and loud attitude, comes flirtiness. When Swanblood see's a cat she likes, she walk up to them without a hesitation and flirt with them for a bit. If she finds they don't appeal to her as some others do, she'll just quit the flirty act and be friendly. But if she likes a cat enough, she'll stick around for a bit. Keep her interested and she'll stick around even longer. Sometimes she gets bored and when she does, she just quits trying to get them to like her and puts on a more friend-like attitude. This can cause to a bit of heartbreak but Swanblood doesn't take much notice of that. She is a bit blind when it comes to love.
Although she is so outgoing, deep down, Swanblood is secretly sensitive. Words hurt more than claws do for her and she can't help but shrink down on the inside. She may keep a confident act up even when something rattles her, but really her self confidence is just becoming unstable on the inside. With her confident nature, it might seem like nothing could affect her, but really she is an emotional cat and quite sensitive.

Other;; She's going to have an accident when she's older and end up like Brightheart

@Celestial @AbsurdJinx
A new character site is in progress!

Enjoy the good times <3 because something terrible is probably about to happen