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Old June 26th, 2017, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil View Post
How could Cloudrain possibly be so cheerful? Wasn’t this something that lots of cats seemed to wonder about? Well, if they did, then the warrior definitely hadn’t noticed. She was too….naive. She didn’t have a very large attention span and only payed attention to the important things. Not the very specific things. What cats thought of her? Well that was something that she didn’t bother to care about. She didn’t really have magical powers to make others smile though. That wasn’t magic, it was just her. It was like a disease. And if you were lucky enough to catch it, then you would be living through a time of great happiness.

Why wasn’t she leaving? Well that wasn’t something that most cats wondered. But Cloudrain simply never left a good conversation. Was this a good conversation? Yes. In Cloudrain’s opinion anyway. It didn’t matter much if the other cat wasn’t enjoying the chat with her, if Cloudrain was happy, she wouldn’t leave you anytime soon. The she-cat could chat away all day and nothing would be able to stop her unless something managed to distract her. The warrior strongly believed that everyone always needed someone to talk to. Everyone had a mouth for a reason, and the silver tabby liked making sure that no cat wasted it. The warrior hated wasting anything after all. The she-cat was very resourceful and made good use of everything that she had in reach. What good would it be to get rid of something that still had its purposes?

“Well of course I am! It’s my opinion after all,” Cloudrain responded, giggling to herself. Wasn’t that a funny thought? An opinion was something that you believed, so why wouldn’t you be entitiled to it? Sometimes, Cloudrain found herself wondering about whether she was indeed the dumbest of all the cats in the clans, or actually the smartest. Some of the things that other cats say just make her laugh her head off. Perhaps ‘dumbest of all the cats in the clans’ was a bit farfetched, but the silver tabby did believe that she wasn’t the smartest cat that you could find. Her brain was mainly focused on positive things, rather than smart things. She wasn’t a cat genius. She was nowhere near the point of a genius, and she honestly didn’t care one bit. The warrior knew what she wanted to do in life, and she was just going to keep to that. She wasn’t intent on making cool discoveries or having the title of ‘smartest cat in the clan’, she simply wanted to have fun. Having to think up strategies and all that stuff just made her feel as though her brain would explode from an overload of information.

Typical Cloudrain. She’s a professional at making cats happy and cheerful, yet she sucks at thinking up strategies and all the other smart things that cats think about. She just couldn’t cope with all the information in her mind. She wasn’t built for that kind of stuff. The she-cat was always happy to know that she wasn’t the one leading the clan and her best friend was instead. She would probably be the death of RiverClan if she had to lead them. Plus, leading was no fun. Being allowed and able to boss everyone around, there was no fun in that. And you had to be a good role model. Cloudrain just couldn’t do that. She liked being silly. She liked playing pranks. She was fun and oblivious, that was what made her different from everyone else.

If Cloudrain could hear all of the thoughts that were going through his mind, she would probably be fuming. Actually, maybe not. The she-cat didn’t get angered very easily. She never took anything seriously enough so it meant that she couldn’t possibly get an opportunity to be angry. She took everything positively and didn’t get offended because of this. The warrior viewed a lot of the words that some cats spoke as a joke. Even if it was an offensive statement, Cloudrain would be able to tell but she wouldn’t take any notice of it. Even if the she-cat wasn’t the smartest cat on the planet, and even if she was very oblivious, she wasn’t completely dumb. She could definitely tell when someone was angry at her or insulting her, she just decided to ignore it.

As the tom spoke, she looked up curiously to see what he had to say now. All it had taken was that one sentence. That one sentence had had an angry tone to it. Cloudrain however, wasn’t the slightest bit scared for what was going to come. “Well it’d be nice to know,” the she-cat replied enthusiastically, grinning widely at the tom. Her expression of cheerfulness seemed to make her look altogether so innocent. Like she could crumble the moment that Falconclaw said something the slightest bit hurtful or scary. But she wouldn’t. Cloudrain didn’t just crumble to pieces with a snap of your fingers. It took more than words to hurt her. In the silver she-cat’s case, actions hurt more than words. She used so many words every day that it was just too hard to affect her with them. Physical abuse might be the only thing to break through her barriers.

He wasn’t a nice cat? This confused the warrior slightly. He seemed nice to her, so maybe he just didn’t think highly of himself? “What are you talking about? You seem very nice to me,” Cloudrain complimented cheerily. “Well uh duh. No one could ever be as bad as Bucknight, and by the way, Snowstar isn’t perfect. No one’s perfect. Although I do hear she’s very nice. What’s she like?” the she-cat asked eagerly, not realising that she had started to ramble away. But she just had so many questions and queries in her mind that she just couldn’t help it. She had taken no notice of the way that Falconclaw had said Snowstar’s name, so she didn’t say anything about it. From what she had heard, the new ThunderClan leader was very nice. But from other rumours she had also heard that she had accused of WindClan of murder. When she had heard the second statement, she hadn’t been sure what to think about her then. But a little voice at the back of her mind just told her to believe that she was a nice cat. Cloudrain wasn’t going to judge anything for their actions, especially if they came from another clan. Everything that happened in all the other clans didn’t apply to her and so she didn’t have to stick her nose into everyone else's business. “Oh don’t worry about that, you don’t have to get possessive over me. As pretty and cool as I am, I don’t need a protector or anything of the sort,” Cloudrain said jokingly, giggling loudly at her own joke.

Clourain always laughed at her own jokes. Even if the joke was said to another cat, she still laughed at it because she found it funny. And sometimes, she laughed just so she wouldn’t have to feel embarrassed if the other cat didn’t laugh in response. But she didn’t do it very often, seeing as she didn’t care what others thought about her and her jokes. The silver tabby never said a joke just to make another cat laugh, she intended to make herself laugh as well. After all, even the ‘cheerer upper’ needed to have a good laugh sometimes. Cloudrain strongly believed that everyone deserved to laugh. Even if you were the most evil cat in the world, you still had all rights to laugh. At times, the warrior even wondered if twolegs laughed. Did they? The she-cat wanted to know but she wouldn’t dare risk breaking into a twoleg nest just to find out if they laughed. That wouldn’t be worth it. Perhaps it would be best if Cloudrain just lived her life never knowing the secrets that a twoleg held. Twolegs were quite intimidating in her opinion. The tabby warrior had once seen a fellow clanmate captured by a twoleg and it had not been a pleasant sight. Seeing all their paws stroking their pelt had sent shivers down her spine. How could kittypets possibly live with all those hairless paws touching their beautiful fur? It disgusted her. What if those paws were contaminated? Twolegs had no fur to protect their paws from becoming infected. But then again, you couldn’t get an infection that easily. And not every infection was contagious. That was what Cloudrain thought, even if she had no knowledge of injuries, illnesses and other medicine cat related things.

Even if most cats thought of her life as one without any problems, it was really far from that. Cloudrain’s life was generally problem free, however when she did come across a problem, it was a massive one. That was another thing that made the she-cat stand out from everyone else. When she had a problem it was bigger than the average problem however it only happened occasionally. Most cats came across problems every day of their lives but they were mostly small ones. Was that fair? That was yet another thing that Cloudrain sometimes found herself wondering about. But then again, life wasn’t fair. And it probably wasn’t going to ever be fair. It was a challenge that everyone had to go through and overcome.

“Getting myself into what?” Cloudrain asked questioningly, her brows furrowing in confusion. She really didn’t know what he was talking about. She had thought that what he had said before was just him joking around, but maybe she hadn’t taken him seriously enough. Now she was confused and she was probably going to annoy Falconclaw even more than she was. But if she had a question, she was going to ask it. The tabby wasn’t very sure about what he was implementing and was starting to regret taking lots of things as a joke. Oblivious little Cloudrain. This was the side that was starting to show through. The warrior wasn’t even quite sure as to why she felt so curious as to know what he had meant. She even felt slightly worried. But she just couldn’t put a paw on it. She felt ever so scared by she didn’t know why. It was just her mental instinct that was kicking in but it was giving her an insufficient amount of information. Her senses were tingling. It was tingling in the kind of way that it did when she could sense she was in danger. But looking around, nothing seemed like it would suddenly jump out at her and maul her to death. Her icy blue gaze soon landed on the tom in front of her. Surely he couldn’t be the cause of this strange feeling? Staring into his gaze, she felt like backing away and running back to camp. But….she was just getting to know this tom. And even if she felt like she was in danger around him, she could tell that she was really enjoying this chat with him. She didn’t want to leave, she wanted to know more, even if she was feeling slightly scared. What’s happening? She thought, her eyes clouding with emotions of confusion, fear and curiosity.

What had she fallen into?
Why was she still complimenting him? And acting as though she knew him, as though he were a nice cat when it was perfectly obvious that he wasn't? How could Cloudrain still be so friendly towards him even after he hadn't been nice to her... not really, anyways. He was about to answer her when she started talking again. And going on, and on, and on about something. To be honest, Falconclaw wasn't quite sure what. He glanced at her with confusion in his brown hues. No one had ever been this persistently friendly with him before. At least, no she cat. Falconclaw seemed to intimidate more cats then he helped, if he were being honest. He was considered to be a bully. A bad cat. No one wanted to keep company with Falconclaw. Other then a select few cats, all cats whom he was very close with. It was near to impossible to get this set-in-his-ways tom to change his mind.
Why did Cloudrain want to know about Snowstar? "What's our kit-leader like?" He asked with a snort. The young leader had only just become a warrior, it seemed! She couldn't have been one for more then twelve moons - and he was guessing it had been less, more along the lines of nine or ten. She was twenty-something moons old right now, wasn't she? Perhaps she had only been a warrior for seven or eight moons. Not long enough to have much experience, and she had been deputy for an extremely short amount of time. He couldn't make up his mind who was worse, the kit-like leader or the new one who already had a mate and was going to have kits at a time like this. A time when WindClan was being so stubbornly awful. No one in ThunderClan liked WindClan as far as Falconclaw knew. And if they did, then he would call them traitors and let them die.
He would never save a cat who cared so much for their rival Clan at this point. And he hoped Snowstar would see them out of our Clan. "Well to start, she's pretty irresponsible. And she's always cheerful - kind of like you seem to be. I don't really trust her. She's not the type of leader I would call a "good one." But, she's friendly - I'll say that much for her." Falconclaw shrugged, his eyes snapping with frustration as he realized he had just told all this to a complete stranger. A RiverClan cat he had met by the border literally just now. A RiverClan cat that Falconclaw didn't want to have around. The type of RiverClan cat that seemed like he would get in trouble for talking to. Already he could tell that time was passing... valuable time, being thrown away, all while talking to this immature warrior. Right? She was immature, and irresponsible, and annoying.
He didn't like her at all. And he wished she would go away. Yeah, that was what he needed to keep telling himself. He was a loyal ThunderClan warrior that didn't need this RiverClanner in his business. Why had she wanted to talk to him of all the cats anyways? Why did she think he was nice? Why hadn't he just walked away from her long ago? The answer to all of these questions was confusing and jumbled in his head, and Falconclaw wished - oh how he wished - that sometime soon she would leave. Even a conversation with their kit-leader would have been better then this. She was barely old enough to know the ways of the world. Falconclaw had seen things. Many things. He remembered a lot and he knew he could remember even more if he were to search his memory. Honestly? The tom half-missed the days when Ratnight had controlled ThunderClan.
At least he had led in a responsible manner. Outlawing StarClan wasn't the worst thing that could happen, was it? No. Surely not. Certainly not. Falconclaw chuckled lowly at her joke, unsure whether she really wanted someone to laugh at it or not. If she hadn't, would she be laughing? This thought went back and forth in his head for a moment before he sighed. Perhaps it was better not to laugh. After all, he didn't want to find himself enjoying this 'Cloudrain's' company, now did he? No. He wasn't coming back to this border to have a conversation with her. Not now, and not ever. Perhaps now it was time to walk away. He didn't want to accidentally hurt her now, even if Falconclaw was determined not to get attached. Never had. Never would. Besides, Aime'Storm was probably waiting for him back in the clearing... perhaps there was a possibility the two could go hunting later today?
Or, maybe not. Maybe his friend was busy for the rest of the day. Either way, he was just about done with this RiverClanner. "Getting yourself into associating yourself with me. It's not always the best decision you could make and I hope you know how to deal with aggression - because I'm not used to being nice, and I certainly am not going to change for a single cat like you." His voice was low, angry, and he looked as though he were about to thrust his face into the other feline's. Time to walk away. He'd wasted most of the day here at this border, and Falconclaw certainly didn't wish to waste any more time with Cloudrain. If she wanted to associate herself with him? That was fine. But he wasn't going to associate himself with her... in his mind, she was just another cat that he would someday meet in battle and hopefully kill if he could.
That was a bit of a more violent thought then Falconclaw had meant to have. After all, while Cloudrain might be an enemy, at the moment the two Clans were neutral... and there was nothing that said he couldn't talk to her. After all, weren't friends made at the Gathering? Maybe there wasn't really a reason to hate Cloudrain. Perhaps Falconclaw just had a lot of bitterness stored up inside him. Either way, the tom turned and began to walk away, before looking back once more at the silvery cat and stopping where he was. Just a couple tail-lengths from where he had originally been at the border, a bit of an awkward distance, but who cared? Falconclaw certainly had never cared much about what others thought of him. At least, he liked to believe that. Truth was that he really did. Too much, even. But hey, that was okay, right? Surely no one would mind much if Falconclaw did need attention.
"I should get going. There are things to do back in ThunderClan, and just in case our "special" leader isn't doing them herself, I should make sure that cats aren't just lazing around. Time to get some hunting and stuff done... and I guess I'll see you around." The tom shrugged as though he couldn't really decide whether he would see Cloudrain 'around' or not before he walked away.

(we can end this here <3)

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.
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