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Old February 20th, 2018, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: The Abandoned Clan official roleplay

Originally Posted by Broken Madness View Post
soft deathly singing can be heard within the den of the former leader. “Come, little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land
Of enchantment~ “ Soon eyes as golden as the sun began to shine within the darkness of the den, the voice was heard again this time more dark and more.. sinster than the last time it sang.
“Come, little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden
Of magic “
Soon whoever was singing began to move standing up slowly almost dangerously within the darkness of the den. Soon whoever it was began to step out showing.. A tom with a pelt as black as night and eyes that glowed as bright as the sun. His smile was small, however held a deathly aura as if he was death smiling at his new found souls. He sings again this time in a husky voice dripping with poison like a spider trapping its webs of lies.
“Follow, sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and
The sorrows~ “
He closes his eyes and begins humming a bit, purring a deathly purr as he sings again speaking with a much darker and deadly voice.
“ Weep not, poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and
Passions~ ...” suddenly he starts laughing it sounded so deadly and dark as he just laughed than soon he looks at the new comers and the kit he seemed to have forgotten to eat. Or maybe he was just saving her for later. He smiles at them and opens his golden eyes “ Such unforgettable acts have been casted upon this place. You travel here seeking adventure but you will only find suffering and death. You step on my home, my prison and my feeding grounds. May I ask why? What do you truly desire? Hmm~ does the tales bring you here with curiosity or do you think you can save a life if you come into the deaths heart... what do you seek?”
DarkLeaf barely ever got scared but this time she was really scared of the deadly looking tom " w-were just traveling a..and we wandered here" She stuttered her ears pinned back DarkLeaf tried not to look into his bright yellow eyes if looks could kill she'd be dead ' Oh no this isn't good..' she thought with fear showing in her eyes. DarkLeaf looked at the den where she heard whimpering in "You're n-not gonna kill us right?" She whispered terrified of him.