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Old November 26th, 2017, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: goose's everything!

Originally Posted by Okapi View Post
form w/o link ;;
name - Laurelpaw
age - 7 moons
gender + pronouns - she/her/female/she-cat
desired role + character you’re applying for - Sweetpaw’s friend
personality - She is kind and compassionate, to everyone, even her enemies (who in her mind are just small rivalries that a simple conversation to clear things up will fix) She will sacrifice anything for friends and family. A meal, training, a nights sleep. She’d even leave the clan to help her friend find their family, so long as afterwards she can return to the clans. She’d risk her life for friends. Ofcourse, she’s not all friend compassion. When she’s chatting with frineds she is kind and playful and loves to develop tight bonds with them. She enjoys finding small crushes on toms ocassionally and going on evening walks along the beach and swimming (when it’s warm enough to voluntarily swim.) When alone, she enjoys grooming her fur, imagining herself in the future, or meeting new cats, she knows it’s strange, but she enjoys hunting land prey, despite the fact she’s not fond of eating land prey. She isn’t innocent no, she’s seen many awful things such as a friend being killed by a Dusk Syndicate cat, being dumped by a crush, her mother dying of cancer (they didn’t really know the cause of the illness)
appearance - boop (sorry I suck at descriptions)
plot ideas - Perhaps Sweetpaw is in a desperate need for a huge, insanely big favor that none of her other friends can sacrifice training and family for, but Laurelpaw is unable to leave her friend in need and will voluntarily jump in help with two feet proudly.
mmm, accepted.
