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Old February 20th, 2018, 10:20 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Thistledawn View Post
[ So so so so so sorry about the super late response!! I was sick for awhile and then I guess I lost track of this rp.]

Ashnose smiled at the she-cat, knowing she was joking, but he believed her words to be true. As she pulled out a mouse for him he didn't doubt for a second that it was today's blessing from StarClan. He also took it as a sign about his and Willowfur's friendship. Perhaps he was looking for a meaning that wasn't there, but he believed StarClan was telling them that the two of them would have a great relationship together. They had gotten along well so far, so what else could it mean?

"Alright!" The tom exclaimed with bunches of excitement, his mouth watering already. His tail was practically wagging like a dog's. Ashnose picked up the mouse between his jaws (which didn't help his drooling problem) and followed a little bit behind Willowfur to where she sat. Once he had sat down and gotten comfortable, he closed his amber eyes for a moment and thanked StarClan for the meal- his favorite meal at that. Once he finished, Ashnose did not hesitate to dig into his mouse. He sighed with his mouth full, "This is so good."Though a mouse was a small piece of prey, it filled Ashnose's hungry belly and put some weight in his stomach. It hadn't taken him too long to finish his meal. The tom casted his amber gaze towards his Clanmate, suddenly realizing how bad mannered he looked. "Whoops! I must have looked like a starving fox just then!" He joked.
(You're fine, I was busy with other stuff so I wasn't too worried about it)

Willowfur smiled,
ears flicking towards the tom as he spoke. She took a few juicy bites of her thrush, a feather sticking to her nose. She sneezed softly, blowing the annoying feather away in the air. Even though thrush was her favorite meal, feathers had a habit of sticking to her muzzle and making her sneeze or cough The she-cat quickly recomposed herself and faced Ashnose again, grinning. The Abassyian cat swore she looked like a mouse-brain for half a second there while she sneezed.

She shuffled her paws and took a few more bites, watching the tom as he drooled over his mouse. He must love mouse as much as I love thrush, and he must be hungry too. She laughed very softly, shaking her head at the tom. He looked a bit silly, however, she knew exactly how he must feel.
She ate the rest of her meal rather quickly, feeling famished. The cat smiled and curled her tail around her chest once she was done, content and full.
"It's okay. Honestly, I am positive I look like that every now and then. Especially when I haven't had thrush in a while and get a chance to eat one."
She said, smiling. She brushed her tail against his flank for just a moment, as if to tell him it was okay. That she didn't mind his silliness.
That's what friends are for right? Ashnose was her friend, right?