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Old December 7th, 2017, 07:02 PM
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CreatureOfHabit CreatureOfHabit is offline
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Default Re: Remade the suffering of madness

Monster forum
Name: Zeckel
Role: Strength
Personality: She can talk, as she isn't a complete "brawns not brains" type, but usually is primal, letting her instinct guide her, can be impulsive, but cares a lot for her fellow experiments, though she is often excluded for being a runt.
Abilities: Her snake tail usually shows her true feelings, making her a bad liar. She often drinks blood, similar to that of a vampire, and despite her small size, when she feeds she gains brute strength.
Strengths:She has picked up several ways to heal, like the workers used to, but hides this, as she knows many would shun her if they knew.
Weaknesses: She doesn't like being alone, and can be easily trusting, which usually comes back to bite her.
What happened to you? Or what did they do to you?/Plot Explanation/Story: Mythology is a major thing, and feeling good with their creations so far, the humans decided to make a cryptid, a chupicabra. Their recent success and pride got to their heads, and the project was rushed, resulting in her small size.
Do you know the 3?: Vaugely, because they help her learn to fight.
If so what's your relationship?: She sees them as teachers.
Love interest:Open

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