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Old January 15th, 2018, 06:57 PM
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CreatureOfHabit CreatureOfHabit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
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Posts: 470
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Default Re: things that make you "weird"

One: I had a hard time (and still sort of do) telling the difference of reality and fantasy. After watching "The Rise of The Guardians" I doubted Santa's existence, and all that crap, (and I was eight) I wrote a letter to them, hoping for an answer, and left in on my desk. I did this mainly because I had really disturbing dreams, and figured if the sandman was real, then why wasn't I have good dreams?

Two: When my friends and I were in second grade, we, without a doubt, believed we were werewolves. I remember at one point on the playground a jump rope tied around my neck like a leash, and me lashing out and snarling. I even told my relatives, and pretend to be deaf when they bring it up.

Three: When we were in our FNAF phase, my friends and I would play FNAF tag. Let me explain the rules: All those that are the anamatronics are it. The only ones not, are the child, and the guard. Most of the time I loved being the guard. Using our imaginations, you could keep the robots at bay by winding the music box, and closing the doors. We also played Chucky tag, and the person who was it, Chucky, gave us ten seconds. He would lie on the woodchips, and with each second, slowly come to life.

Four; When the Lorax movie came out, me and my friends LOVED it. We actually made truffala trees with pom poms, and pipe cleaners. We actually believed we sent by him to save the earth. And then I grew up, and saw the memes. How shameful.

Five: Speaking of pipe cleaners, I constantly used them to make these things called shirleys that I would constantly play with.

Six: I have really disturbing dreams, and hardly ever have good ones. Judging by the first one up top, it hasn't changed much.

Seven: When I say something creepy to get a reaction out of my friends I laugh like a crazy person, not really doing much to help what people think of my mental stability whatsoever. The weird thing is, it just happens, and I don't do it on purpose.

Eight: When I was little I would wake up early, and wait for my parents to join me. I would sit on the couch, waiting. The odd thing is that I would wake up with a knot in my stomach, an odd sense of dread, and would wait for it to go away on the couch. It usually did whenever I had breakfast.

Nine: When I was little i often had a hard time falling asleep, so i would look around my room as something to do, while I lay in my bed, until I finally drifted off. My closet was like a sliding door, and the right side was always open. In it, I would see lights, like the shape of willow the wisps, swirling around, sometimes, zooming out of the closet opening. I would watch this little light show of pink, teal and yellow. It was pretty cool, but even I began to realize that something wasn't right. I keep it closed to this day, even if it's light out. The strange thing is, is they never proved to be a threat, o I never knew what made me close it, and develop the habit.

I wont make this up, this was my childhood. Not surprising as I still am a lovable pile of trash.

Last edited by CreatureOfHabit; January 15th, 2018 at 07:08 PM.