Thread: GEEK [sign-ups]
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Old November 13th, 2017, 03:34 PM
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Default GEEK

name: Travis Brossurd
age: 13
group: GEEK
role: Rich BOIII!

personality: He is a Rich, Spoiled brat, almost always looking for a fight. He belives that he can get anything he wants simply because he is rich.
flaws: 1. He cannot Run in a straight line for more than 10 seconds, due to how fat he is. 2. He Usually argues with everyone, even his own team-mates. 3. He is to Fat to climb anything vertically, including most ladders, although he usually tries anyways. Never ends well...
virtues: He is a Master for Leauge of Legends, Although he Did not make the Top game team since that's the ONLY Game he is good at.