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Old March 30th, 2018, 07:30 AM
Timbergrowl Timbergrowl is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Default The Shadow's (Rogue group)

Welcome to the shadow's, a group of rogues who found that it was better to live with each other then to live alone. Here at the shadow's we have strict rules, those caught breaking the rules will be severely punished. Now please come into our camp and settle down, you will see it's a good place to stay...

Small dense pine and oak forest's nearby lakes and plains. The camp is set in a large underground cavern with dens branching off to the sides.

1. Those staying permanently at the Shadow's must bid by all rules set by our founder. Those breaking them will be imprisoned and punished.
2. To those who stay, You must hunt for the group before yourself.
3. To those who stay, if the group is under attack, please protect any member of our group even with your life.
4. To those who stay, if you have a mate and kits outside of the group you must insure that at least one kit joins the group for the continuation of it.
5. Kits older then three moons old are to be taught how to hunt and fight.
6. Murder of any kind within the group is punishable by death.
7. Killing enemies insure that the rival or enemy groups are defeated permanently. However this is not expected, so if you don't wish to kill you don't have to.
8. Hunters mainly hunt for our food and fighters mainly patrol or battle train, but both are to do hunting and fighting in their spare time and when we are attacking or are being attacked.
9. Kits are tested to see if they will become a hunter or a fighter permanently at the age of 6 moons.
10. Kits of any group are to be protected. those seen attacking or bulling kits (Even other kits) are punished.
11. Cats to injured or sick to help are to be cared for. these cats eat with the queens, kits and elders.
12. Cats seen trespassing onto our territory can be welcomed to join, or chased off if otherwise.
13. At a kits 16 moon mark, the group holds a ceremony so that he or she may change their name if they so wish.
14. games are held every full moon, any cat can join so long as they bid by the rules. winners of these games are to be the first to chose their apprentice.
Those younger than 15 moons are bared from participating.

Please make your own forms-

Cliff @Silver Fishie
Jinx @Black Cat
Healers- Open
Lake @Ravenfang
Axel @Timbergrowl
Drift @Black Cat
Blink @Black Cat
Queens- open
Kits- open
Elders- open
Guests- open
Those outside the group- open

Last edited by Timbergrowl; April 3rd, 2018 at 05:44 PM.