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Old June 6th, 2018, 03:10 PM
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Default Stranded...and....alone?

Welcome to...

(This first part is going to be short and speedy for the people that just wanna get the gist of it)


1.) The Stranded-
The last thing you remember was being on a cruise ship and that was the last time you ever saw any of yours friends ok. One thing led to another, and now you found yourself stranded on an island. You looked out to sea and found what remained of the ship in bits and pieces, scattered in the ocean or on the island. Now you must survive. (See spoiler for more detailed info)

2.) The Tribe People-
This island is your home,your tribe’s home. And it has been invaded after a big monster floating on the waters surface died. Strange things like scents have been showing up around the island,which our dogs had picked up. We must protect our tribe and find these invaders-they may be hostile. (See spoiler for more detailed info)


The Stranded-

You waved goodbye to yours friends, unbeknownst to you...the last time you could possibly see them. You walked to your room, with your (choice of drink) in hand and did your nightly ritual before collapsing onto the bed. It seemed like only second had passed before you opened your eyes in panic to an alarm going off. ‘This can’t be real!’ You though but where proven wrong when the alarm said that this was NOT a drill. You got on your life preserver and went to go make your way to your area of the ship. Sadly, you never did. You heard a loud bang and then everything went black. You opened your eyes to still be greeted with the night sky, however when you looked behind you there was the ship, in flames....sinking slowly. You started paddling forward afraid it might blow up, but you screamed as your hand touched a face. That’s when you noticed that there was bodies floating all around you. You hoped they where unconscious and not dead, but your survival instincts kicked in. Now was not the time to wonder, you where in the OCEAN BLEEDING! You finally found a piece of the ship that you could pull yourself on and relaxed then. You lifted your head and saw something in the distance. You squinted and saw an area of land in front of you. Then you started paddling towards the piece of land, which turned out to be an island, and plopped down on the beach to rest. Then everything hit you all at once. What would you do now? You where all alone, on perhaps a dangerous island, all of your positions are gone-except for...oh thank goodness you still have your (choice of object here-don’t let it be too big please). What are you going to do know? Would your look for your friends,or other people in general? Explore? Or try to find the other people that have already been on this island?


The Tribe People-

Everyone has been talking about it. There has been an monster that has been near our home and now after such a loud sound in the middle of the night, something attacked it! Pieces of it is everywhere-sometimes we see its black blood floating around in the ocean,we are afraid of what it might do to our fish. Our hunting/patrolling teams have noticed weird scents and objects on our island. Could these new invaders be hostile? We can’t let them hurt our tribe.//(or) maybe these new people can help us and we can help them. We must be cautious never know...

•Follow WCO Rules
•No Marry Sues
•EVERYONE gets hurt at one point in this rp
•AT LEAST one or two full sentences (to keep this going)
•No god like people that never get hurt and such
•Try to keep romance following the site Rules
•You can have as many characters as you want,just make sure you can keep up with them all :3
•Love between Tribe person and Stranded person is ok :3

We must at least have three-four of each group of humans. On to the forms-

Stranded Form-

Age(Not younger than 16 please)-
Will you be in a group or a loner?
Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)-
Anything I missed?-

Tribe Form-

Age(Not younger than 12 please)-
Rank(Like Leader, Shaman, etc.)-
Being welcoming or hostile towards the ‘invaders’-
Anything I missed?-

Tribe Ranks
Leader-Peta @Aurora Australis 1/1
Shaman-Hawk Played by @Silentshade1/1
Warriors- Meskwaki (Lead Warrior) Played by @Panda , Kahuna played by me
Women-Meskwaki 1/infinite

@Panda @Silentshade

These are the two ppl that asked to join-don’t have that many active friends so uh...yea *cry*
Ig: _vintagetee_

Last edited by Shadow; June 7th, 2018 at 01:00 PM.