Thread: UnOrdinary
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Old October 8th, 2017, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: UnOrdinary

Originally Posted by SpiralWhirl View Post
I enjoy this webtoon

Name: Lula| Leon
Age: 16
Appearance: Right Here| Boop
Personality: Lula is a bit too kind always helping out, however if you aren't from her `pack` she is rude and cold. She is childish and for her loves of animals and the way of packs she cause her school a pack. Lula is studdborn and down right scary sometimes, she can be your best friend or nemesis. She is open-minded, forgetting most of the things. However she remembers the most tiniest of things. Often daydreaming of... strange things, Lula has dramatic and playful manner. Curiosity killed the cat, and one day will kill her too. | Leon is cold and described mysterious, however isn't that kind too. He is rude and rumors say he was a former king which isn't true. He doesn't act right and doesn't accept his place, Leon is a sore loser and can't stand for someone to say he lost. He has a short-temper, and pushes anyone away. No one knows why or when he came here, he just showed up out of nowhere. Leon is good with words and smart enough that he shouldn't enter unneeded trouble
Power/Abilty: Summoning Animals (3 at most) | Voice Bounce
Power Level: 8.1| 3.2
Role/rank in school: Queen | None
Tier: God Tier| Elite Tier
Love Interest/Crush: Fairland's Ace | None
Sexuality: Bisexual | Pansexual
Kin/Family: Nope, open| Nope, Open
School: Elanier| Fairland
Other/Questions: I didn't exactly know what the ability could be >.< I could explain them in a spoiler if needed !
Originally Posted by Blue Jay View Post
Name: Delaney "Laney" Richards // Thomas "Tom" Hall
Age: 16 // 16
Appearance: Laney is a slim, fair-toned girl that stands at an average height. She has long, blonde hair that reaches her elbows. Pearly blue eyes also characterize her face, which has light freckles along her cheekbones. // Tom stands at a slightly taller than average height, bearing thick, light brown hair that flicks up right on top of his forehead. He has light skin and riveting green eyes. He also has a thick, short scar on the edge of his jawbone, just under the ear.
Personality: WIP // WIP
Power/Ability: Wing Manifestation and Invisibility // None
Power Level: 4.7 // 0
Role/rank in school: Jack of Elania // Cripple of Fairlands
Tier: High-Tier // Cripple
Love Interest/Crush: Open // Open
Sexuality: Bisexual // Heterosexual
Kin/Family: Open // Open
School: Elanier // Fairlands
Other/Questions: BY (Tom's usual bullies are open!)
Originally Posted by little-life-light View Post
Ooh! I love this webtoon~!!!


name:: Reiko Takahashi
age:: 17
appearance:: [click~]

+intelligent, +perceptive, +honest, +loyal
=sensible, =reserved, =tolerant, =solemn
-withdrawn, -blunt, -disinterested, -callous

power/ability:: Health Manipulation; Reiko can manipulate the healing process of living organisms by speeding it up or slowing it down; she can also reopen old wounds, but there is a limit to how much she can heal and re-inflict. To do all of this, she needs to be making physical contact and given time to concentrate depending on the severity of the injury. Doing any of this will slowly but surely drain her energy, and over time she can become fatigued and even end up passing out. She can sense current wounds and illnesses of those around her without having to touch them, but she needs to focus on a single individual in order to read more into their health history. At the moment she can't heal any major diseases or mental illnesses, though she can sense them. And she ultimately cannot bring someone back from the dead.

power level:: 5.8 (i wasn't sure where to place it, but seeing as she comes from a distinguished family and can sense, heal and re-inflict wounds...)
role/rank in school:: Heart (though she'd be a little different from the stereotypical weaker rank, still lower than Ace and Jack, but more respected maybe...?)
tier:: high-tier
love interest/crush:: nope
sexuality:: asexual
kin/family:: open, but keep in mind that she belongs to a very distinguished and proficient family of healers
school:: Elanier

other/questions:: (le)
- is her power too strong? she comes from a powerful family, so it would make sense, but is it acceptable or should i tone it down a little?
- i was also thinking that with Lula's friendly and sometimes forgetful personality, Reiko would be a good grounder and would low-key keep everyone on track? idk it's an idea
All accepted!~

(New!) Character Site

If I don’t respond within 72 hours, please feel free to message me! Just to warn y’all, my immune system is trash so please check my profile to see if I have said anything about being sick ^ ^ So I don't get too overwhelmed (again), I'm only gonna have cats in Riverclan or as outsiders, so please keep that in mind if you want to rp with me for whatever reason (: