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Old February 16th, 2018, 09:39 AM
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Casual Scribbles Casual Scribbles is offline
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Default Re: Cannoli and Darkleaf's hunting ground (ask to join)

Originally Posted by DarkLeaf View Post
"Just lay it down" She meowed and decided to lay down on the flat rock. The calico watched the mouse Cannoli was about to hunt as it just sat there nibbling on nibbling on a small berry from the bush beside it. DarkLeaf's ears twitched. @Casual Scribbles
Cannoli placed the squirrel at the roots of a tree. She could now hear the mouse shuffling and taste its musky scent. She crept toward it, carefully.

The grass rustled around her and snow crunched beneath her paws. The mouse's head jerked up. Oh, no! She sprang forward but landed just short of the furry creature. It slipped into a hole at the roots of a bush. Cannoli fished her paw into the hole, but the mouse was long gone.

She sat back with a huff. "I apologize, Darkleaf. I missed the mouse."
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