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Old December 10th, 2017, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Nursery

Apple ~ Dust peered her blue eyes, it was time for some alone time. She just wanted some fresh air and little drink. The dark ginger she-cat rose to her paws, shaking the scraps of moss that lay in her fur. Apple glanced at her kits two were sound asleep and one of them were wide awake.

"Ember ~ kit," She mewed. "Go back to sleep. You'll need lots of rest tomorrow."
"Why?" He asked
"Well, I cannot say it's a surprise."
He sighed. "Alright, but I want to make some friends mother. No kits talk to me and they..they look at me like i'm evil! And I seen warriors and queens do the same.." His dark almost red like amber eyes looked damp, he felt like if he wasn't accepted.
The queen frowned, she knew why they we're acting like this, her mate was Ebony ~ Watcher. He was a massive black tom, navy blue spots and stripes ran down his back. His eyes we're exactly Ember's, Ebony was an evil tom almost killed the leader and deputy. But as his crimes were discovered he was exiled and he now lives as a rogue. Apple ~ Dust notice that Ember ~ kit still was requesting an answer for his mother.
"Hush, my sweet kit. You'll get friends I know it." She gave a comforting lick on his black head.
"You really think so?" He meowed hope filling his eyes.
The tom purred his thanks before heading back to the moss. The she-cat sighed, her only son was isolated she from the others. She understood how the other cats felt about him, a remainder of a evil tom would'd kill others to show his power. But the queen didn't understand why they'd be afraid of him! Ember ~ kit's head and paws were only black, his torso, legs, shoulders were amber. Some spots on his back we're black but there were just spots! His underbelly was a light shade of grey which was odd since his parents didn't acquire any grey. Apple shook her head her thoughts were getting the best of her, the real problem was who will watch over her kits while she was away? The other queen's we're busy enough already, she saw Mint ~ Mist sitting in front of the entrance. She adored watching the kits play and chatting to the other queens.

But the ginger cat wondered: Will she be interested on looking after them for a bit? She'd pad over to her.

Last edited by xYx_Void_xYx; December 10th, 2017 at 03:42 PM.
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