Thread: The Spikes List
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Old August 8th, 2018, 08:24 PM
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Spikes Spikes is offline
The Red to your Blue~
Join Date: Jan 2017
Gender: Cool Dad (Male)
Posts: 4,756
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Default Re: The Spikes List


||Current Name||
35 moons
||Sexual Orientation||
||Creation Date||

Residential Information

||Current Affiliation||
Lostflame (Clover) | TBA | Panda
Future | Antlerkit(paw) | TBA | ♤ Allora ♤ ?

Interpersonal Connections

Howlheart | Loves, wants to have pride in him | atlas
Whiteeyes | Loves, cares for | Orca
Unspecified (Open)
Unspecified (Open)

||Best Friend||
Snowstep | TBA | Fireleaf
Gingerfoot | Curious about, enjoys spending time with | catcafe
Unspecified (Open)
||Main enemy||

Unspecified (Open)
||Significant Other||


||Dramatic | Heroic | Enigmatic | Boyish | Offhand | Narrow-minded ||
Mistburr can be quite the pawful, at times. He excels at putting on a good show, especially in acts of heroism. Nothing can turn this brave cat away from saving another in need, not even his feelings for them, or even his own safety! He loves to dramatise, and tends to get good reactions from it, as his dramatisations are more positive than negative, having the power to influence a select few. It's hard not to have a smile on your face around this cat.

If it wasn't clear already, Mistburr is quite the enigma. The workings of his mind, though simple, don't seem to add up entirely. His decisions seem to come from the heart rather than the mind, and the neglect of thought has lead him to some self-sacrifices that he still doesn't regret. His boyish charm still carries through from his childhood, and he loves to entertain with his buoyancy.

Though Mistburr's struggle with critical thought has proven to make him quite the respectable cat to those in need, it can also make him seem disrespectful to others. At times, he can appear to be offhanded or indifferent to what he believes are non-issues, even if they affect a cat deeply. Mistburr has a very specific set of beliefs and expectations that he follows, and has trouble accepting cats who think differently.

||Mental Age||
18 moons | Youthful and fun-loving
||Psychiatric Complications||
Nyctohylophobia | Fear of forests at night
Arachnophobia | Fear of spiders
Dinophobia | Fear of dizziness

8/10 | Highly sociable
8/10 | Very positive
5/10 | Average
6/10 Slightly above average
9/10 | Would sacrifice a lot for others
3/10 | Rather poor
9/10 | Very brave
|| Logic vs Emotion ||
10% Logical, 90% Emotional | Emotions are very likely to overtake logic

||Favorite Season||
||Favorite Food||
||Favorite Sound||
Leaves rustling in a gentle breeze

||Greatest Hope||
To be a hero to every cat in his clan
||Greatest Strength||
Fortitude and determination
||Greatest Weakness||
Underestimation and logic
||Worst Nightmare||
Being repeatedly and utterly defeated
||Deepest Darkest Secret||
||Most Treasured Memory||

Believes himself to be a superhero


||Place of Birth||
||Former rank||
Kit, apprentice
Neutral stance on StarClan and the Dark Forest

Physical Traits

||Fur Color||
Silvery grey, soft brown, white
||Fur Texture||
A mix of wiry and soft
||Fur Length||
Dark tabby stripes
||Eye Color||
Pale blue

||Body Structure||
Somewhat robust
Your generic, heroic tone. Deep and booming ( Ref | Arthur – Fire Emblem Fates )
A powerful and uninhibited stride
Strong, pine-like

Several across his pelt, a smaller scar under his left eye
||Diseases / Conditions||
None so far

5/10 | Passable
2/10 | Slow
8/10 | Very strong

[ref 1] (With Gingerfoot, by the lovely catcafe!)

Last edited by Spikes; October 31st, 2018 at 05:40 PM.