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Old November 16th, 2021, 12:37 PM
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Singing Jay Singing Jay is offline
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Default Re: Hypothetical Kits Artshop!

Name and appearance of Parent 1: Zee (M): He is a large, brown and grey tom, with broad shoulders and large paws with long claws. He is a very muscular cat, his fur is short and not fluffy​, it's very sleek and close to his body. It's cold during the winter but comes in his favor since it shows of his muscles and can intimidate his opponents. His eyes are a dark green, like pine nettles. His tail is slim and with a more brown tail tip, as well is his belly, lower chest and lower muzzle. He also had a darker stripe on his back and his ears darker as well. Speaking of which, one of them (the right one) is folded after an injury he got there, his buddies started to call him Hound after that. His muzzle is large, long and a bit bottle-like, with strong jaws and sharp teeth.
Name and appearance of Parent 2: Serpent (F): large, night-black she-cat with icy blue eyes, slim pupils and a white tail-tip, her fur is sleek but thick and always well groomed, making it look like shiny, lack silk in the sunlight. Her paws are pretty small compared her large size
Number of kits: 3, but if you come up with more good ones I'll pay for those two
Anything else I should know?: Not sure if these kits will happen for real, Zee is rped by me and Serpent is a cat from his past that I might adopt out at some point


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