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Old May 25th, 2018, 01:29 PM
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Featherflight Featherflight is offline
Riverclan kit
Join Date: May 2018
Gender: She-cat
Posts: 13
My Mood: Hopeful
Default Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Featherkit walked in with moss in her jaws, and said, 'Heaferfur! I foun some moss ozer by de elder's 'en, and I fought you couwd use it!' She looked around, although she couldn't see heatherfur. 'Heaferfur?' she called, then shrugged and turned to find a pile of moss. 'oph!' She said, walking over to the pile and placing her gathered moss. 'Dare!' she said. 'I hope heatherfur can find dat useful.' She sighed, and took a deep breath, then paused. She smelled borage leaves and a mix of fish. Mother? she called hopeful, she hadn't seen her mother since she left to hunt, and left featherkit and hazelkit behind. The only scent missing was a forest and tree scent, which she now knew as thunderclan scent. Hazelkit went of to follow their mother, featherkit followed but the scent of thunderclan overwhelmed her, she was scared and could no longer scent her sister. She ran instead, the opposite direction, up a hill, across a shallow river, and onto the moors. She rested there, under a gorse bush until she heard a rabbit nearby. She thought of the trees and realised this was nowhere close to where her mother could be and so she waited until all the noises faded into sleep, and then traveled further and across a hard long rock thing until she came to a large field with a faint scent of twolegs and a different animal she could not recognize. She rested there and kept walking after awhile, and then there were marshes with trees and bushes. 'Yes,' she thought, recognizing the welcoming fishy scent her mother had, 'this must be it.' Featherkit opened her eyes, realizing she fell asleep. She shook her head and started back to the nursery.
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