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Old December 13th, 2017, 07:29 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by xYx_Void_xYx View Post
Apple ~ Dust dipped her head in appreciation, then strolled outta the den.
Ember ~ kit bounced up happily greeting the fellow warrior.
"Hello!" He mewed.
His sister's rushed towards his side.
"Oh yes we'd love to play a game!" Dappled ~ kit grinned.
"Let's play leader!" Dawn ~ kit instructed.
"No we played that last time." The tom-kit huffed. "Plus your always leader."
"No i'm not!" She'd snap at him.
"Guys, guys!" Dappled ~ kit shouted. "Let's create a new game with all of our ideas mixed into it. That way, we'll all have our rules and parts we wanna preform."
The tom and she-kit exchanged glances with each other and agreed. The kits gathered around the young warrior looking up to her.
"So Mint ~ Mist...what's your idea?" Dawn ~ blinked.
The albino warrior wandered away from his crazy friends. A sound wave of kits voices entered his ears, his curiosity picked up pretty quickly. He'd walk into the den, greeting the queens with a slight nod. After his red eyes settled on Mint `mist, she was a new warrior and she always arrived to the nursery. Out of the blue the kits started arguing, he twitched an ear, wanting to visit them and see why were they arguing. Getting a grip on his paws, he'd wander over to them as he did the fighting stopped. He couldn't help but do a quite chuckle. 'Ah, kits these days.' Red `gaze sat down behind Mint `mist, signaling to the kits to be quiet, after he did some funny faces at the kits.
I posted
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