Thread: The Starcave
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Old November 9th, 2017, 09:26 PM
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Default Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by woly View Post
@Charmer @AbsurdJinx

Daypaw waited. they felt nothing but unease at the moment. this was the moment they had been training for for moons, this was ther hardships had lead them. they didnt know where geckoleaf was in all honesty. they hadnt heard back from her. it scared them. and in all honesty, they felt abandoned and alone again. the only thing that had kept them afloat was gone. but like any chapter, they were forced to move on. they were forced to live another day and get up with the same routine, to treat, to revive, to help save. so here they were.
Shinefang moved stiffly as he made his way to the Starcave. The night air was getting colder, and his panting breathes sent small clouds into air. The weather was doing his aching joints no favors. "Good thing the Starcave is so close to Skyclan," he muttered to himself as he went, "Coming here every half moon is going to get old fast." As he approached the cave, he recognized Daypaw's golden fur, and nodded to the Shadowclan medicine cat. "Daypaw," he said with a greeting nod. He settled on his haunches, grunting with a twinge of pain as he did so. "Take my advice. Never get old." He was being light, but the loss on Acornpaw still weighed on him. Not to mention, he was also a little on edge about this ceremony. Shinefang had basically launched right into the role as a medicine cat and never been confirmed by Starclan. It wasn't that he cared for that opinion, but he was a cat who appreciated tradition.
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