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Old August 1st, 2017, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx View Post
Flareheart nodded in response to Hawkfeather's question regarding being with someone who can make them happy. It seemed he was doing a lot of nodding, and he wondered if later his neck would bother him. But how else was he to get a word in? Hawkfeather wouldn't shut her trap - not that this bothered Flareheart, as he himself had trouble shutting up. He just wondered if her throat ever got dry, or if she'd ever lost her voice. He's lost his voice once before, and Zerosight had told him to be quiet for the following few days. It was torture, remaining silent, but he soon recovered and continued to nonstop talk his head off. He thinks his clanmates like him better when he isn't talking.

He was about to respond when Hawkfeather gasped loudly, startling Flareheart. He jumped slightly, his ears swiveling alertly and his gaze surveying the area. Had something shocked her? His fur on end, he struggled to find something that could've caused such a reaction. But he found nothing. Confused, he looked back at Hawkfeather only to be suffocated in yet more words. He was so lost, his thoughts running in an uncontrolled storm within in his mind. Next thing he knew, Hawkfeather had launched herself at him and he was left to defend himself. No way would he be able to roll out of the way, definitely not - they were much too close in proximity. But Flareheart wouldn't swipe at her, because it would take a strong blow to knock her off course, and he didn't want to hurt the playful feline.

He rose on his haunches, his forearms sprawled out above him in a rather intimidating manner. Flareheart grinned, happy he was doing something he enjoyed. He loved play-fighting! He didn't care if he made the impression of a kit-warrior; he was doing what he enjoyed, so why should he care about what others think? He yelped when he and Hawkfeather made contact, wrapping his forepaws around her as he fell onto his back. He grunted at the impact, and fought to clamp his jaws around Hawkfeather's shoulder. Of course, he'd be careful not to pierce skin - he didn't want to hurt his clanmate. His hind legs tried to find a firm grip on Hawkfeather's belly where he wound throw her off him, releasing his grip on her.
A surprised expression settled over Hawkfeather's features as Flareheart's forepaws were wrapped around her. Struggling to get loose, but quickly finding that the tom was a lot stronger then she had expected, the kit-like warrior's blue eyes snapped as he fell onto his back, bringing her with him. That was fun!! I hope he's okay though, because that wouldn't be good if I hur- Her thoughts trailed off as she felt jaws clamp around her shoulder. A sharp yelp of surprise and actual excitement emitted from the she cat's maw. This was fun! Hawkfeather was having a great time with Flareheart! He was a fun cat, after all. Bright blue eyes stared down at him and she struggled to keep him pinned down even while he was trying to find a grip on her belly. The feline wondered if there was a way to avoid getting kicked and keep him pinned at the same time.

Probably not. Her tail swished in the air as she awaited the blow she knew was coming. It wouldn't hurt, though, Flareheart wasn't trying to hurt her... and an idea came to her mind. What if she could distract him by talking? If she could distract him from his plan, maybe a new one would come to her own mind. "This is so much fun! I haven't gotten to do this in a long time. Ooh, ooh, ooh can I call you Flarey? Does that sound right? Flarey... yep, it makes you sound so adorable!" The she cat mewed, bright eyes continuing to stare down at him. Her grip remained as strong as she could manage with her mouth moving. Though the warrior's mouth was often moving, it was like... one of the rules of life.

"I haven't done this in a long time. Everyone thinks that I'm too distracted because I like to talk, but I'm not distracted! I still have you, don't I?" The pretty tabby grinned, glancing down at her companion. Yet another comment that could be switched around to sound flirty, despite Hawkfeather not meaning it that way at all. Sometimes she gave toms the idea that she was a flirt. And either scared them away, or caused a whole bunch of weird comments that Hawkfeather didn't get at all.

Everyone compliments me, but they don't compliment those other cats that look like they really, really need it! But I do! I compliment everyone! It sounded self-righteous. Pretty much everything she said could be taken one way or another, when it was all meant in good, old fashioned fun. Something that Hawkfeather believed would never change.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.