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Old May 6th, 2021, 12:59 PM
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Ziera Ziera is offline
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Default Re: A stormy stream ( privet )

// @Lil sagun owl
Watching the sunset was acceptable, but speaking to StarClan...? Storm's expression hardened imperceptivity. So she was a nut case, then. No... he couldn't say that definitively, not unless he had more information to back it up. But if a cat truly thought they were speaking with StarClan out here by this riverbank, Storm had a right to at least somewhat question their sanity.

...why converse with a bunch of dead cats anyway? It wasn't like they were worth talking to, or even if they gave one rat's tail about the living at all.

"It's not against StarClan to my knowledge. Though I wouldn't really care if it was," he said simply. Storm didn't really try to hide the cynicism in his voice, although he probably should have for the sake of social grace. "I think practicality and self-preservation should be stronger motivators. Be careful, in case there are any stray animals from the recent attack."
Full hiatus except for a couple threads I hope to finish up, ily all <3