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Old November 20th, 2020, 03:05 PM
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Default Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Jessica1917 View Post
Name: Frostedleaf
Rank: Medicine cat
Clan: Windclan
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Age: 26 moons
Personality: Frostedleaf is a pretty upbeat Tom always looking in the bright side...though he does have that weird obsession of his about conspiracies and kit’s taking over the clan...anyway! Frostedleaf can come off a bit stupid and oblivious due to his kittish excitement and cheerful attitude but he’s actually fairly smart. Though he usually only says super smart things at the most random of moments. He’s a bit of a conspiracy theorist and has some pretty weird ones(such as kit’s planning to take over the clan, the theory that starclan might just be hallucination and that him and the clans are just insane, and of course the one the cats in the dark forest are working with the prey that cats have killed to eat and survive). His interest in mysteries and puzzles has actually him a really good problem solver and he enjoys thinking outside the box. Frostedleaf also has a really good memory...for looks...he can’t remember anyone’s name for the life of his...he sometimes even forget’s his own(this is due to him knocking his head against a rock as an apprentice). While Frostedleaf is a pretty great cat in general he can be fairly annoying especially when he blurts out random facts and calls you by the wrong name even after you told him what it was. Frostedleaf is also...a really big introvert to everyone but his leader and friends(with them he’s as annoying as heck). He also prefers to stay in the dark. And I mean that literally he hates leaving his little medicine den hideout. Ever.
Appearance: White tom with brown and gray splotches as well as icky blue eyes. On his chest is a silver almost leaf like marking.
Backstory: Frostedleaf was apprenticed at the age of only 3 moons. This was because Windclan was running low on cats and they needed a new medicine cat apprentice ASAP. There medicine cat was 60 moons at the time and they knew he needed to train an apprentice so they gave him Frosty. Frostedleaf trained hard but it wasn’t easy to stay focused when you were only 3 moons old. By the time he was 5-6 moons old he knew what almost every herb did. It took him a whole other 3 moons to drill the names into his head. Every thing was running smoothly until he was 12 moons old. That was when his mentor caught greencough. The whole clan knew the medicine cat was going to die I mean heck he was alike 70 moons by now! So as his mentor passed on Frostedleaf was given his name and his new title. Official medicine cat.
Importance: Not super important, just a medicine cat.
Mention @Goldensnail

Credit to @Wolfgirl8 for making him <3

accepted but soot's the new owner of the collab. i gotta update the form.
⬻ Please only bump me after 48 hours!
credit to Adorlee on devientart!
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