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Old October 12th, 2016, 05:58 AM
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Default Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Beau View Post
Adelaide is a kittypet. She always has been. She was born to an award-winning siamese show cat. Her twoleg was a breeder and shower. Since Adelaide was the closest of her litter to her mother's looks, she stayed at the breeder's house when the rest of her siblings were sold.

As Adelaide grew up, she was put through show training by her twoleg and personal training on how to be a proper she-cat by her abusive mother. Her mother was careful not to leave any marks that showed, but Adelaide still had a few hidden scars from her mother. She was taught to sit still and not ask questions and not do anything that might get her fur dirty. It truly was a boring lifestyle.

One day, she was placed in a cat show. It was a horrid experience for the poor molly with all those other cats and twolegs staring at her and poking her. She won the show and a rich person took a liking to her. He offered her owner a very very large sum of money for her offspring. Though the breeder hadn't been intending to breed her until after she was retired from cat shows, he was a greedy man and agreed.

The buyer supplied his own award-winning siamese tom to be the sire and soon Adelaide was having kits against her will. Eventually, she had the kits and grew ill. Adelaide heard that her kits were to be taken from her to give to the buyer, and, despite her illness, gathered them up and escaped. She left her entire life behind to keep them, though she hadn't wanted them, because once they were there she loved them dearly.

The she-cat traveled for along time, getting sicker and sicker. Eventually she made it to ThunderClan. Having never heard about the clans, she was scared, but Adelaide knew she was dying and couldn't leave her kits to fend for themselves in the forest. The molly stumbled through the entrance into camp and collapsed, begging them to take in her kits. A queen offered to nurse them and the medicine cat took Adelaide, who had fallen unconscious. The medicine cat eventually managed to nurse Adelaide back to health and she was reunited with her kits. Deciding a large group of wild cats was the safest place for her kits, Adelaide asked for them to stay. She also knew, however, that she couldn't leave her kits and decided to stay with them and join the clan.

Adelaide became a queen in the clan and took care of her kits while also learning how to be a warrior. She met a kind ThunderClan tom who was kind and helped her. They fell in love. Eventually, she was given her warrior name, Cloudysky, and became mates with the ThunderClan toms. Her kits went on to become apprentices and eventually warriors and Adelaide and her mate had more kits and lived happily ever after.

Adelaide's Character Page

This plot is going to start with her taking her kits and leaving her house. Then we will timeskip to her stumbling into ThunderClan.

Roles Needed
(Most Needed, Really Wanted, Wanted)

Tom 1 (Purebred siamese) (Father to the kits)

Kits (I'm thinking 4, but I will accept 5 if I really like another kit. They will have French names to start out with. Please give their kit/warrior name. You can supply the French name too if you wish, otherwise I will supply it since it will only be a part of the Role Play until they are accepted into the Clan.

ThunderClan tom

Queen (The ThunderClan queen who watches the kits while Adelaide is in the medicine den. She may also need to bring the kits to be checked up on and to visit Adelaide with Zero's permission.)

Kitty pet friends

ThunderClan friends

RP Sample: (Unnecessary if I have RPed with you before)

I will accept links

I just added another role that I forgot originally. I need a ThunderClan queen to watch the kits. The description can be found above.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you