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Old September 30th, 2020, 08:52 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Arie View Post
-- @Rani --

She was leading the patrol? Not letting the surprise show on her face, she just flickered her ears slowly in acknowledgement. She didn’t have any direct opinion of Dawnstar; she may be crazy, but she’d not done anything that would wrong her opinion, but neither had she done anything to show that Doetuft should respect her. So, the young warrior was on neutral ground, able to be swayed to either side depending on actions in the future. But with the news that Buzzardpaw would be trekking along, the blind molly was about to open her mouth and say that her apprentice, who was on rest with a sprained paw since his stupid outing and climbing up into a tree and then refusing help to go down it, would be unable to accompany them, but she refrained. She could add in the comment when she reported the patrol. Not that she particularly wanted to speak to Dawnstar or well… Dawnstripe still, not having received her names from Starclan as of yet. But it seemed her patrol mate would be left to talk to the leader, so she would be trekking out alone for now. Because no way was she dragging along an injured apprentice just for the sake of pleasing a leader and keeping Buzzardpaw out of trouble. He would probably appreciate being yelled at more than he would going out and trying to hunt; and two warriors without the burden of having a disruptive apprentice and having to teach one, would probably be more effective and bring prey home. So let Dawnstripe yammer and complain about it, as long as it didn’t get her or her family in trouble – because Buzzardpaw was quite safe at the moment despite his stupid attitude – she didn’t really care about pleasing the newly anointed leader’s ego. That did no one good. Nodding in acknowledgement of Adderfang’s words she just stood up and left. No need to speak when you didn’t need to and there was the risk, there was always the risk, that those words could be used for something she didn’t want them to be.
Shaking her head she easily climbed up the ravine, having gotten more and more used to the path with time, whiskers brushing against the side and giving the blind molly the briefest moment of safety on the path. Deciding that the least she could do while waiting for her companion was begin the patrol – because otherwise time would be wasted that she didn’t necessarily like to waste and she had plans on showing up, proving a point that didn’t necessarily need proving, but being blind would always require her; in some cats eyes; to be better, to show up more and to prove that she could function normally. Which was exactly what she did. By the time she managed to scent the other cat, the blind molly had already caught a sparrow, the bird clasped in her jaws as she waited for Adderfang to show up. The bird has been easy to catch, just sitting and nibbling on something oblivious to its surroundings. "Nice... to see you... showed up," she commented briefly, ears flickering.
The stocky warrior took a moment to huff having bounded up the slope to meet Doetuft at the top of the ravine. Ah yes it was Adderfangs constant and greatest foe, vertical movement, so we meet again. It wasn't like the warrior was out of shape or anything, but while strong her large build when combined with her shorter legs always made leaping a challenge and the new camp would take some adapting to before moving around was easy. Steady once more her voice was back to its normal smooth tone as she responded to her clanmate managing to completely missing the joke.
"Yes sorry to keep you waiting but I see you already have had some luck without me. Any ideas of where we should start or shall we just move and see where the hunt takes us?" The molly took the time to scent the air and see if she to could have any luck so close to the new camp but came up with only old prey scents. "After so long away the marsh may have more frogs then normal but the mud we will inevitably have to clean off of our paws is always a downside to hunting there." She shrugged, briefly wondering if Doetuft was even able to tell she was, before stretching and throwing out a softly murmured.
"I don't particularly mind though it's up to you."
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Last edited by Rani; September 30th, 2020 at 08:53 AM.
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