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Old December 15th, 2016, 06:06 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Ever View Post
Blazingight flinched when she heard the news, but it was her eyes that darkened with fury when she understood Scorchflake. It was the tan warrior who'd done it, turned against her clan and destroyed two of her fellow clanmates. She felt sickened by the cat she stared at. A cat that killed a clanmate was worthless to her. She could feel the white heat of fury building in her chest, though she knew she ought to hang back. She wanted to make sure her clanmates were okay, wanted to ignore Scorch and make sure the leader tasted his end. Though something about the disobedient look the the molly's eyes got her. The leader despised nothing more than traitors and disobedience. She was confident she could beat the other she cat, no doubt rang in her mind. Sure she was weakened by battle already, but not enough to be bothered by Scorch. Plus Ash had an advantage that the other did not, six lives to battle on. Confidence burst through her and she smirked at the molly darkly. Scorchflake deserved death, she'd killed a clanmate, betrayed her own clan. She was the worthless rat that Skyclan should kill. Anger overwhelmed her and she burst forward. Adrenaline and fury making her blind to her own pain and weaknesses. She made a rush for the tan warrior, as she neared, about a tail-length away, the leader crouched as if she were going to slide into her opponent's paws. At the last minute possible, however, the dark tabby pushed off the ground, aiming to dig her claws into the other's back.
There were no words from her friend, not a single one, and that's when Scorchflake had a thought that perhaps anger would overcome the leader so much she'd shred the warrior apart. But then she watched the way she began to move, and she realized Blazingnight wasn't thinking. She only wanted to kill the cat she thought was so obedient. Taking a deep breath, she waited, and then the other was lunging forward. At first Scorch was going to fall for her trick of aiming low, but then she took a chance and dodged to the side, reaching her claws out in hopes to slash them across the she-cat's side. As her claws extended, she felt a moment of hesitation, though she didn't retract her claws. In fact, they only extended further. The thoughts and instincts of wanting to protect and follow Blazingnight fueled Scorchflake's own anger, and that made her more determined to think, observe, and defeat. Never would Blazingnight manipulate her again. Never would she treat her poorly. Never would Scorchflake follow her orders.
"Lost no. Be happy."