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Old December 15th, 2016, 05:59 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by toothlost! View Post

Scorchflake looked towards the SkyClan leader once more, narrowing her eyes and then returning them to Blazingnight. "I've been fighting." She commented, glancing back at the battling forms, listening to the screeching and movement of bodies for a moment before her attention went back to Blazingnight. "I've been fighting, and you've lost two of your own warriors." A small moment of worry flickered, worry that Blazingnight would be upset. But then she didn't care. Why should she care, what the she-cat thinks? "I've been fighting, and one of those warriors won't be returning!" She spat out these words, hate for the leader running thick. She didn't feel sorrow for the death of the warrior she killed. At the time she felt terrible, but she was quickly distracted by another, and she forgot all about the grief in the kill. It was worrisome, the fact she didn't seem to care in the slightest.
Kneading the ground with her claws, she shot daggers at her best friend. The she-cat filled with abuse. "I'm still fighting." Those three words were spoken softer, but with a new intensity of savage anger. No one would see an obedient, fearful apprentice if they gazed at her. Some might be afraid as she bristled, amplifying her size, glared, and shredded the dirt below. It was amazing she hadn't attacked. But no, Scorchflake was smarter than that. She wouldn't dare lunge first. Blazingnight had more injuries, was probably more worn from her fight. The warrior had more time to recover. Calculating eyes darted to view the ShadowClan leader, taking in any hint of emotion, hidden injury... Regret? No, Scorchflake wasn't searching for any of that. She was looking for more reason to sink her claws into her best friend. Take a life from her.
What have you done to me?! You've corrupted me, Blazingnight!
Blazingight flinched when she heard the news, but it was her eyes that darkened with fury when she understood Scorchflake. It was the tan warrior who'd done it, turned against her clan and destroyed two of her fellow clanmates. She felt sickened by the cat she stared at. A cat that killed a clanmate was worthless to her. She could feel the white heat of fury building in her chest, though she knew she ought to hang back. She wanted to make sure her clanmates were okay, wanted to ignore Scorch and make sure the leader tasted his end. Though something about the disobedient look the the molly's eyes got her. The leader despised nothing more than traitors and disobedience. She was confident she could beat the other she cat, no doubt rang in her mind. Sure she was weakened by battle already, but not enough to be bothered by Scorch. Plus Ash had an advantage that the other did not, six lives to battle on. Confidence burst through her and she smirked at the molly darkly. Scorchflake deserved death, she'd killed a clanmate, betrayed her own clan. She was the worthless rat that Skyclan should kill. Anger overwhelmed her and she burst forward. Adrenaline and fury making her blind to her own pain and weaknesses. She made a rush for the tan warrior, as she neared, about a tail-length away, the leader crouched as if she were going to slide into her opponent's paws. At the last minute possible, however, the dark tabby pushed off the ground, aiming to dig her claws into the other's back.