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Old December 15th, 2016, 09:42 AM
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Default Re: Daddy? are you home? {RP}

Originally Posted by vixenandwillowlikecookie View Post
Name: Lunis Wolf
Age: 15
Zombie/human: Human
Pet: A flying cat/fox hybrid named ginger looking for link
Gender: female
Personality: cold conceled and a bit shy shes difficult ( stubborn ) and fierce
Weapon: Sword
Mutated human: what does that mean
Favarite food: an apple
Base: a place she likes heights though
Team: 1

Name: Rose flowers
Age: 7
Zombie/human: human
Pet: A igauna very protective and she has a cobra as well. She owns a black dog named black dog
Gender: female
Personality: sweet loving trusting
Weapon: her pets ( they be posionious ) btu she has a coat lined withb daggers and has a way of making animals do what she wnats
Mutated human: ????
Favarite food: cookies
Base: whatever it is?
Team: 2

Name: Jason Parkenson
Age: 18
Zombie/human: HUMAN
Pet: a demon dog related creature
Gender: male
Personality: daring likes to lead good at keeping everyone alive hes hard and challenging but a softie if you know him
Weapon: a bow and arrow with alot of daggers
Mutated human: ?
Favarite food: meat..
Base: A abandoned hotel for rich and popular people he the leader?
Team: 3

mutated human, I think I wrote it XD we can start
]:cool2uh purrrfect chilz:cool2:

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