Thread: Cruelclan
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Old December 14th, 2016, 07:51 PM
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Default Re: Cruelclan

Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
Cruelclan.The clan of the cruelest,bloodthirsty,evilest cats you could ever think of.They are cruel,mercyless,evil,bloodthirsty and so on.Therefor there name,Cruelclan.But what is the real reason they are called cruelclan?They don't believe in starclan and kill any cat that doesthey believe in a place called Terrorsky,their version of starclan.Cruelclan has 2 Medicine cats.Their kits,called scraps start training at 6 moons.They have two leaders,one male,and one female,most of the time they are mates.They have two deputy's,one for each leader.If one cat disobeys the leaders order they are killed on the spot.Leaders word is law.They are great enemy's of Bloodclan,though bloodclan does not know they even exist.Cats there have at least killed once.Once scraps (kits) become warriors,they have to stay alive for one day and night outside of camp.If the kit dies then the clan moves on to a new one.If the scraps mother protests then the scrap HAS to kill his or her own mother and they will become an apprentice immediately,if the scrap refuses then they both die.Some of the cats here had came from blood clan because they were to bad and evil even for them.Terrorsky chooses the leaders and deputy,even if they are as young as 8 moons they are forced to be the leader,if they refuse,they get put into a prison until they accept it.The deputy's DO NOT take their leaders place without Terriorskys permission,if they take the leaders place without permision,he or she dies.If Terrorsky finds someone to replace the leader and not the deputy,then the deputy stays put in his or her rank and the chosen leader takes his or her place.Males overpower females here,unless a female is a leader,then they over power other males and is in the same rank as the other male leader.Males do not ask females to be their mate.If they want them as their mate.They simply have them,if a female refuses she gets put in a prison or killed.Females and males can have more then one mate,unless they are really loyal,except for females,they HAVE to accept other mates.Elders are killed as soon as they reach age to not be able to help the clan anymore,except for med cats,unless Terrorsky tells them to.Their modo is "If you can't work for the clan,your useless"Terrorsky gives every cat there immortal life,but they can get injured like normal cats,and they will take that enchantment off if a cat disobeys clan rules,so they can be killed.Mentors can even breed with their apprentices,only if the mentor is male though.The cats teeth are replaced with dog teeth and their claws are replaced with badger claws and teeth.As you can see,Cruelclan gives NO mercy.
Drownsplace: they speak to Terrorskys here
Forest: and
Camp entrance:
Inside camp:
Male Leaders den:
Female leaders den:
Warriors den:
Apprentices den:
Med den:
Deputy's den:
Will you survive..?
Please read that all. Thanks
Roleplay example:
Roles open:
Leaders: Curse (me),Bane played by vixenandwillowlikecookie
Deputy's: Stormminds played by vixenandwillowlikecookie,open
Medicine cats: open,open
Med cat apprentices: open,open
Warriors: deaddarkness played by kozui-chan,(always open)
Apprentices: (always open)
Queens: (always open)
Scraps (kits) : unborn but will be coming;Tiger/Hex/Nightmare/Claw/Tsunami/Death/Beast/Night kits of Curses and Banes,(always open)
Name Fade
Age 28 moons
Gender male
Appearance a brown tom with blue eyes.
Personality ruthless merciless relentless bloodthirsty caring helpful
Mate I'm open
Rp example. Fade bit at the cats throat and then he kicked her off him. He tackled another cat and killed it and ran back into the battle.
Other none
Questions none.
Whoever is reading this you deserve all the love and support from everyone. If youre ever sad you dont deserve to be sad. ILY!!

Last edited by Fallpotato; February 2nd, 2017 at 06:09 PM.