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Old December 13th, 2016, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: SkyClan's Journey to the Clans

Originally Posted by starfall View Post
Rainpebble snorted "probably, but he's got good intentions, maybe he just doesn't know how how do I explain it....well he dosent know how to express it very well....his emotions and ideas that is, since you need emotion to create ideas." She rambled, smiling softly as she heard her clanmate get excited about battleing "I was hoping no blood would be spilled, but, I guess it's inevitable." She sighed as she continued to pad forward, snowflakes sprinkled along her silver fur.
{I posted with her in the Riverclan battle if you want sycamorebranch to fight beside the old coot lol}
{Ok, if I have time I'll come}
"I'm pretty blood's going to be spilled..." he trailed off, perking his ears at the faintest sounds of pain. It was a hideous sound, with yowls of fright and chaos. One of spilling blood and ripped fur; one of outstretched claws and gleaming eyes. Battle had begun already... and he was late, still running towards the scene. "Actually, blood is already spilling!"

In all honesty, he didn't want to fight. Why couldn't there be peace? He agreed with Rainpebble... but it was too late already. Too late, and he had no say in anything as a mere warrior.
:: roleplayer of Halite- the former Dusk Syndicate Commander ::