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Old October 10th, 2016, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Hexict View Post

The silver warrior was leading as the two padded into the clearing, mouths full of prey. Pastblaze's ears perked as he heard the other cats in the clearing, their voices seemed to beat the silence away that had claimed his and Crimsonmoon's return. He didn't hesitated before heading towards the fresh-kill pile. The silver tom felt slightly warmer in the clearing than on the territory, so when he placed his two fish on the pile, he began to groom his pelt in hoped of warming up a bit.He knew Crimsonmoon was close behind him, so he looked up as he was warming up and watched the molly as she placed her prey as well. He hadn't realized before but as his pale green orbs fall on her prey, his stomach started to growl. Pastblaze reddened slightly and flattened his ears in embarrassment as he was sure that she must've heard him. He hasn't eaten all day, and now it was dark, which left him with a hungry feeling, and the sight of Crimsonmoon's plump prey did not help at all.
Crimsonmoon followed silently in the darkness as they headed towards the fresh-kill pile. The clearing was relatively quiet, few cats were still awake grooming and eating their meal of the day before retiring to the warrior's den. Pastblaze and herself were probably some of the last to return. She set her prey down moments after the silver tom had and her ears perked as she heard his stomach growl. Her smile curved into a teasing one, not a mocking one as it had been for the majority of their time together. There seemed to be a note of respect that she had developed for the tom, for having challenged her and accepted his loss so well. A small chuckle came from his and she nudged her beautifully colored rainbow trout towards him. "Here, why don't we share it." She said, it was funny how her mother's side came out in her once she became even remotely comfortable around another cat. As if her brother's ways hadn't truly and completely corrupted her yet. The color of her eyes was unrecognizable as her pupils made her eyes look black and huge, inviting. She stared at him wide-eyed wondering if he would accept her offer. She was glad that her own stomach was holding off from groaning aloud, for it twisted tightly with hunger. She hadn't eaten anything except a small vole at sunrise.
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