Thread: Seastones
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Old January 10th, 2020, 01:32 PM
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Default Re: Seastones

Originally Posted by |+Tired Rose Child+| View Post
When Amberpaw reached the top a few seconds after Foxpaw did, she crouched, tail sweeping from side to side, before playfully tackling him. She laughed and swatted her paws at his chest, then as the two rolled around, she leaped away, and then sat, laughing.
"Bet you can't beat me to the bottom!," she exclaimed as she started to bound down the rocks a lot more quickly than when she was climbing them... Only to slip and fall, rolling down, each hit of her body against the rocks causing her to yowl in pain, before she crashed to the ground.

She laid there a moment, panting, and felt her world spinning. She slowly sat up, wincing in pain, and tested her paws. Each one seemed okay, but her left hind leg had sharp pains going through it. Luckily it wasn't bad enough for the need of a medicine cat, though; that would've surely gotten them in trouble. A punishment would've surely been waiting for them.
She sat there a moment, still stunned from the fall.
foxpaw ran down at the molly rolling down her yowling in pain " hold on im coming" he yelled as he was running down and when he got to her he licked her nose than lifted her onto his back and started to pad back stopping for a moment to prop up her head and place wet moss for her to drink when they came back the sun was just starting to rize as he placed her into her nest placing more dry moss on her to keep her warm
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