Thread: StarClan Camp
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Old October 18th, 2019, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: StarClan Camp

Originally Posted by The Cannibal View Post
To be fair with himself, Redtalon had never expected much of Starclan, during life, he hardly even thought about it. His life was dedicated to fulfilling his duties as a warrior and to eventually die an honorable, and hard fought death, which he had acquired. He had always wanted to die in battle, knowing that he had at last been bested, even if it took two other cats to bring him down. And once he had exhaled his last breath, climbing into the starry sky to join his ancestors, he got to look down, finally at peace to a degree. The first couple of moons were nice, having the never ending energy, none of the pains, and not a care in the world. But afterwards, it was day in and day out of just waiting.. Waiting for something he didn't particularly know until recently. He was waiting for his mate, it had stunned him that he nearly forgot about her after so many moons, and it concerned him that he hadn't seen her when he peered at Thunderclan from the sky. He convinced himself that it was just because she had always been excellent at hiding and didn't want to think otherwise, think that maybe she had died too, but ended up in a place where the truly dark-hearted dwelled. He wouldn't allow himself to come to that conclusion, so he would keep waiting.

The late Thunderclan warrior couldn't help the slightly bored look placed upon his face, surely every cat in Starclan had worn it at least once. After all, what was there to do when you had nothing to worry about anymore, aside from fading away? And even still, that wouldn't be so bad. He had done his duty as a warrior, got his warriors death. He had even given a leader a life in his time in Starclan, though now he forgets which one. There were so many that came and went it was hard to keep track of anymore.

"Hmm?" His voice rumbled out of his throat as his head turned, eyes moving to fixate on the cat who had addressed him. Falling upon Shrikecall, he would offer a light smile, the tips of his canines just barely poking over his lips with the smile. "Just waiting for my love to join me some day, thought I would have seen her by now." His voice was low but smooth, a voice that had made a great many she-cats swoon and falter. But Dawnspring had been his only true interest, his only regret was never having kits with her. "Lots of new arrivals lately, you notice that?"
Ah. Shrikecall knew a thing or two about waiting for someone to join him here; it had been moons since his death, and although he'd visited Heathertail in her dreams a couple of times, he wasn't seeing her as much as he used to. She'd been his constant companion in WindClan, and while he missed her, he was glad she was still alive. He hadn't seen her in a while; it was easy to wonder if something bad had happened to her, but then again, Shrikecall had always been one to look on the dark side. He was trying to work on that while he had all of this endless time.

"I can relate," He mewed, with a sigh. "Never thought she'd outlive me this long. I always thought we'd spend the rest of our lives together, you know?" He'd never even asked her to be his mate. It had been one of the best times of his life, getting to spend time with her. He missed Blazingstar, too; the WindClan leader was getting older, and he certainly wouldn't live forever. Shrikecall wondered how long it would be before he ran into Blazingstar in StarClan. A long time, he hoped; he was proud of the younger tom. He'd come a long way since Shrikecall had been his deputy, and although Shrikecall didn't necessarily like Buttercupbreeze all that much, he was confident WindClan would survive. They'd survived worse than incompetent leaders, hadn't they?

"I stopped paying attention to the new arrivals a while ago." When Heathertail or Blazingstar arrived, Shrikecall would know. He would find them. They would be the only things he cared about in this forsaken afterlife. He missed being back in WindClan, with his friends, helping to lead the Clan. He missed the scents and sounds and even the irritating young warriors and apprentices with all of their incessant questions.

"If you don't mind my asking, what was your love like?" The only thing he could think of when the word was mentioned was Heathertail. She was a loyal, hardworking, kind warrior who brought nothing but goodness and light to everything she touched. Even Shrikecall, despite everything about his personality, had found a way to be better with her. He hoped she was safe. Perhaps someday, he would see her here; no, he knew he would see her here someday. He wouldn't be forgotten, and when she did pass on, she would come to StarClan. It was the only way he could see things playing out.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.
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