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Old July 18th, 2019, 07:52 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by doghouse View Post
Hail was just nearing the top of the hill when they noticed that there actually was another cat there. Quietly cursing themself for not noticing sooner, as they should have, they slowed, moving so that they wouldn't be coming up from behind the other cat. It wasn't in their interest to accidentally scare the tom. He looked vaguely familiar, but not a cat that Hail had spoken to before. Or if they had, it hadn't been recently and probably hadn't been much in the way of a conversation. That was honestly a little odd though, since Hail liked to get to know most of their Clanmates. Was there a reason for it? Maybe he wanted to be left alone? After all, he was out here all by himself.

Shaking their head to clear their thoughts, Hail slowly started to walk over. But they were stopped dead in their tracks as the tom turned away after a rather angry sounding greeting... if it could be called that. Unsure of whether to continue, Hail thought for a moment whilst licking their shoulder quietly. After a few heartbeats, they had reached a decision. Padding over, they sat a couple tail lengths from the tom, tucking their paws under their chest and staring off in the same direction as the other cat. “I hope you don't mind too much,” Hailbird meowed quietly, seemingly calm. Inside though, the young warrior was frantically scrambling to remember the tom's name. It seemed to be right on the tip of their tongue, and yet they couldn't quite remember. They truly were horrible at names.

“I'm sorry, but you're... Breeze... something, right? I don't think we've really spoken before. You just looked like you needed some company,” Hail said, looking over at the grey tom. He didn't particularly look like he wanted Hail there, but Hail needed the company, and who knows, maybe he did too? It did kind of look that way, what with how he'd apparently been sitting up here for awhile. He'd seemed a little lost in thought prior to Hailbird's arrival uninvited. Or rather, Hail invited themself, whether the tom actually wanted it or not. The latter seemed the most likely.
The silver tom looked at Hailbird and again and looked back over the moor. He was slightly disgruntled, he hadn't really enjoyed someone else's company in seasons. No he didn't enjoy company. Last time someone that wasn't his apprentice Deathpaw nor his own dearest daughter Bunnypaw, the mad tom had bitten the heads of them. He wasn't exactly aggressive but he refused to let others help him and he wasn't aware of the issues that flowed through his mind and when others tried to make him see them, it was better to bite their heads off wasn't it. At their failed attempt at his name he flicked his tail irritably and glanced at the other cat with the corner of his green eye. "Breezefeather." Was all he said before he looked back over the moor. He enjoyed looking and this spot held a certain significance to him that he simply could not remember. Yet he could see why they would wanna come up to the spot, with the sun setting in no time this would be a perfect spot to just sit. Was it possible he'd done it before? Was it possible he'd been sitting up here beforehand possibly with someone? His daughter?

He simply couldn't remember and he looked at Hailbird fully. "I don't remember your name and I have no intention of remembering it even if I could. I do not care for any company but I assume you'll stay here no matter what." His tail twitched again, the dark spots on the long short furred tail standing out particularly in this light. He was frail he truly was and he knew he shouldn't piss off this other cat, he would get flattened in a second. "Hm.. No you don't seem to want to move away from here. Well get on with it? What's your business? Can I hope you're not as annoying as our deputy?" He wanted to smack the golden molly as he thought about her. He simply couldn't stand her, she was the one who'd found him and led him back to the clan and she seemed intent on following him everywhere. "Praise Starclan she's not around. Been stalking me around, like I would do something stupid."
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