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Old July 18th, 2019, 02:26 AM
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Vexing Vexing is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Tempest's Song View Post
"Oh, sure, there's lot's of mice in there and I know a perfect way to get in."

Houdini's voice was edged by a tint of confusion, and also annoyance. Emberpaw's gait slowed a bit from suprised. That wasn't what he thought Houdini would react like...

He shrugged it off as his friend weaved in front of him and pulled himself into the barn. Emberpaw scrambled his way after him, cursing his short pas and stocky body. He pushed himself into the dusty barn and fell with a grunt onto the ground, raising a bit of dust arounf him.

He felt tiny skittering stop, and then hurry away. He cursed himself for making such an idiodic mistake. There were still plenty of mice, though.

"But just know it's pretty dark in here." Houdini's voice hissed from out of the darkness as Emberpaw's eyes adjusted to it.

His tail swished as he purred, "I'm mostly worried about the dust!" He paused, before purring, "Hey, hunting contest? I've been practicing. And, uh, I should probably bring some prey home so my mentor doesn't flay me." Jadeheart had probably noticed his absence by now.
Houdini snickered at his friend's failed attempt at a quiet entry and he was right about all the dust but a hunting contest? Houdini knew he wouldn't win that. He had been slacking on training his hunting abilities and had instead just waited outside the exit for the mice to burst out so he could snap their little necks swiftly and easily. He didn't want his friend to see him fail so miserably especially with his tendency to gloat. "No thanks, I think you should just hunt for now or as you said, your mentor's gonna flay you if you don't. Plus, I can just hunt more later. I'll just stay right here while you hunt to catch any rascals that try to escape." He puffed out his chest and almost on cue, a mouse began to dart out of the hole in the side of the barn and Houdini quickly smacked it down with his paw, snapping it's neck and laying it in front of himself.
Hey hey hey peeps! I am now in possession of a Discord account so if you ever want out charies to do something out of the way of everyone else, come drop in there and I'm sure we can work something out!