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Old July 18th, 2019, 01:52 AM
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She Sang like the Wind
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Orchidleaf View Post
Houdini had blushed at the question from Emberpaw but was more so stunned at how easily he got away from him. Though what he didn't expect more was to be actually thinking about the question Did I want it to stay that way? With me on top of Emberpaw? Well,, no way, he's just my friends, I don't like him like that. Though even as he tried to convince himself otherwise, just thinking about Emberpaw on the ground under him made his heart flutter. However, he was snapped back to reality when Emberpaw knocked down the watering can "Oh, it's alright, my twoleg barely uses it anyway." He made his way over slowly to Emberpaw and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine as he came to face him with narrowed but mischievous eyes as he said "And to answer you're question, sure I wouldn't mind if it stayed like that, but would you?" He asked with a purr of amusement as he walked next to him, dragging his tail under his chin. He had meant it as a joke and to him he thought it was a pretty good one since Emberpaw had basically done the same thing with him just to get out of his grasp though for some reason he was curious to hear Emberpaw's response.
@bright ! --- I just mentioned your character! Don't worry, I just thought you should know about all the idiodic things Jadeheart's apprentice has been doing without him knowing. -----

"Oh, it's alright, my twoleg barely uses it anyway."

Houdini's voice jerked Emberpaw back into reality. He sat down, letting out a huff of air, his eyes watching Houdini with a tired curiosity. As Houdini drew closer, he sat up a bit, preparing to purr, "Might as well just take it back to my clan! They'd be sooo mad-"
But the words were lost on his tounge as Houdini's eyes suddenly whished into his vision, narrowed and filled with humor.
"I wouldn't mind if it stayed like that, but would you?" he purred, his voice flirtacious and playful, while still maintaining the humor of his eyes. His tail flicked over his chin and slid under it as Houdini padded away.
Emberpaw sat there, still and frozen for a moment longer, digesting the words. At fisrt, he didn't realize they were joke- was that how he really felt? He had always had a thing for tuxedos....

But then he remembering the rumbling, playful purr and shook his head to snap himself out of it. He thought quickly for a witty comeback, hoping his silence wasn;t taken the wrong way. He wasn't really sure what he felt for his friend, but right now, he just wanted a friendship. Besides, he was from outside of the clans. It would never work out anyway.

"If that's how you truly feel," he said with a purr, "then we should stay here all day. But-" h lifted his eyes to the rapidly sinking midday sun- "you'd have to take it up with my mentor, Jadeheart. And my leader, Blazingstar. And my sister. And my mom. And the ancient protective cat spirits who think it's totally against the code. But, ya know- love conquers all!"

He let out a laugh meant to put the subject to bed, even though his mind still whirred with the thought of it.

"Have any good hunting places around here? I know I heard some mice in your twoleg's shed!" Food was a good place to go- he was hungry, after all. His mentor had banned him from the hunting pile today for another stupid mistake- eating before the elders. Ugh, why hadn't he his his mouse-breath better? At least it wasn't bird, he swore Torrentpaw would have his pelt if he ate anymore of those.

With that, he turned and padded towards the shed, his mind still stuck on one subject, even though he was usually all over the place. Man, what was up with him today? He hadn't felt this focused since his first day as an apprentice.
Sweetwhisper's Finder![/URL]

My son, Fogpaws' edgy finder. (Watch out- it's sharp!)

All my cats!

Last edited by Tempest's Song; July 18th, 2019 at 01:53 AM.