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Old April 25th, 2019, 03:10 PM
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Fuzzy Fuzzy is offline
Dazzling star dust ✨
Join Date: Oct 2017
Gender: Female (She/Her)
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Default Re: WindClan's Treachery


A slender feline stalked through the crowd looking for a more reclusive area to fight. The molly didn't want caught, she'd been with the Dark Forest a while now, since early apprentice hood and know that she was a warrior they wanted to get a fight going, again. That wasn't a bad thing in her eyes she enjoyed fighting but getting caught wasn't an option, if she was exiled she couldn't carry out her plans. Though she was certain Cobaltblood was with her in any plan she'd have. Killing Blazingstar for one. The speckled feline waited for the time to come where she'd strike and gay she could always plead self defense of she was caught, no one's seen her do anything yet.
Crouching on the cold blood splattered ground the speckled feline narrowed her pale green eyes. She could see surprisingly well at night and really she didn't care what cat she attacked, she had no real ties to anyone that wasn't trying to get the same goal. Next cat to go by, they'll wish they hide in their den like a coward.
Adopting out all my characters but these two beans:
~Rainpaw~ ~Petuniaflame~

I'm leaving wco once I tie up losse ends around here, I appoligize for the Rps that will have to end but I thank you all for being so wonderful, love y'all