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Old March 24th, 2019, 09:37 PM
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Default Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by jupiter View Post
. @RedHead
Bleh, it’s a mobile post. Hopefully it isn’t horrible

The sweet and familiar aroma of the lush and lively starclan swirled around the lanky she cat who emerged steadily from her place beneath the shade of a willow tree, her gleaming eyes scanning the cavity of a lush clearing before her. One would become accustomed to the breathtaking landscape and plentiful prey of starclans territory, and overtime the boredom overcoming the bliss and the realization you would fade from memory would settle in like a bitter bite of reality. The she cat had some time yet before being reduced into the folds of history. It was a helpless struggle that often made cats realize they would no longer enjoy life’s pains and pleasures and that perhaps they’d taken things for granted. There was still so much she had left unfinished, never having had the chance to raise her son right or to even help fallenstar enjoy his life like she wished he could. She drew in a breath pinning her ears to the sides of her head and padding through the grass.

The start of a seemingly endless eternity to helplessly watch as cats died and struggled below her paws. Another day in starclan. ‘ ‘ there is still so much I could have done, so much I should have done ‘ ‘ she whispered beneath her breath as she picked up her pace, eyes fixed ahead as she let the fuzzy chaos of her thoughts overcome and swarm her brain. As she let herself slide into the numbness of endless contemplation she heard a distressed shout, something so foreign to her, at least for the past few moons. The lanky feline spun on her heels, eyes searching for the source of the distressed shout. Possibly the newest feline to join the starry ranks of the dead. A shiver rolled between her shoulders and she took off running, her tail streaming behind her and powerful muscles flexing with each bound. ‘ ‘ Hello?! ‘ ‘ she called until the cat appeared between the thicket, she quickly turned toward them. ’ ‘ had they just passed? Are they hurt, how could they possibly be hurt in starclan? Was there a prophecy going on? ‘ ‘ her curiosity grew and she pushed her way into view, green eyes searching the cats pelt with such vigor and interest. ’ ‘ no stars in their fur, they must be living?! ‘ ‘ The excitement in her chest seemed to bubble over and as if on que, horror filled her expression. ’ ‘ it can’t be ‘ ‘ . It hadn’t taken long for daisyshade to recognize the dark coloured tom, the thunderclan deputy. ‘ ‘ Flintspirit?! ‘ ‘ she couldn’t hold in her surprise for much longer. Her jaw dropped and her ears perked up ‘ ‘ What are you doing here? You aren’t dead are you?! ‘ ‘ she rushed over the shock still clearly written on her expressions. She took a weary step forward as if he where a maraj, but sure enough he was there. He was in starclan.

“You’re dead?!” That was the only thing that came out of his mouth.
He’d jumped when he had heard pawsteps quiclly aporoaching, still wary in the new grounds surrounding him to have his normal reflexes and excellent senses. Then he’d seen her. The white and ginger splotched she-cat who he’d fixed as the pinnacle of his “new age” in his life. The reason he’d decided it was worth it to try and turn his life into something that he wanted.
Then he’d seen the stars in her fur. He didn’t remember her dying. The demotion? Yes he remembered that. The name change? That as well. Death? That was kinda new. So he’d kinda just blurted out his thoughts. Probably not the best way to approach the situation.
After blinking probably a million times, he was able to get his shock into check and register her words. “No idea what I’m doing here, and no, I didn’t ask to be here. This place freaks me out.” He gave a skeptical look around with narrowed green eyes. “And I'm certainly not dead. Too much fight left in this bad boy for that.” He gave a too-wide grin, something that had become his “signature grin” due to spending too much time around Fuzzrush. “But i have to say, the concern is new Dazees. Last time I stepped onto your territory, you looked ready to tear me apart. And I was a simple warrior then as well.”
He flicked his tail then his green gaze growing a bit serious. “But really... I didn’t know you’d... died. I just thought... well, I had hope...” Flintspirit trailed off, unsure of what he actually had thought. He’d indeed just hoped that she was alive... somewhere after her disappearance.

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