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Old February 4th, 2019, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee View Post
Feather'Paw sat in the clearing as her stoic face remained the same as always, Borden sweeping over her, she looked around but she knew no one would want to talk to a expressionless cat.

@Pisces @Silverkit~
(( Lol decide to mention you for Feather'Paw since you guys wanted to do a Rp so join in when your ready or would like :3 ))
( oof....ok this is gonna be before wolfpaw got sick because he's also being rped in the quarantine zone so....ssshhh...XD)

Wolfpaw flicked his tail tip crossly as he felt an attitude come on, his mother blackberrypelt chewed him out when she found out that he caused some trouble to a few nearly apprentice aged kits, I mean c'mon they were annoying him! They were practically asking for trouble ,it's not his fault that he scared them . he needed someone to vent to as he felt anger boiling inside of him,his muscles tensed as his claws sheathed and unsheathed he felt his fur bristling and flattening . The black chausie snorted as he watched a few warriors,then out of no where a few apprentices decided to bump into him in their play fighting making him almost fall over but he caught himself then hissed loudly ending it with a snarl at them which made them gasp, tuck their tails in and dash off. With a eye roll he trotted off , his orbs just watched the others before landing on featherpaw , only live once right? Wolfpaw shrugged to himself before softly padding over to the molly as he tried to not look so menacing but somehow he could tell that he was failing "featherpaw ,right?" he asked with a tilt of his head his attitude and anger clearly showing .
" My L'manburg, my unfinished Symphony , forever unfinished....."
I don't care if I lose my miiiinnnndddd ~
Im alreaaaaddddyyyy CUUUURRRSSSSEED-

Characters -Claudius ( Rogue )

Last edited by Leucos; February 4th, 2019 at 04:37 PM.