Thread: Turned Tides
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Old January 1st, 2019, 01:54 AM
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Default Re: Turned Tides

This was terrible! The very thing she fought so hard to prevent was unfolding right before her eyes. A war between all four Clans. SkyClan, RiverClan, ThunderClan, ShadowClan and even her beloved WindClan. How could this happen? How could she let this happen. Oh Blazingstar you should've listened. A sigh escaped her why did this have to happen. Every way Buttercupbreeze turn she saw her Clanmates fighting, they wanted to get read of RiverClan and probably wanted ThunderClan gone as well. Why couldn't understand that just running things away got read of the problem?
Standing there unable to bring herself to fight, the creamy molly just stared in disbelief. Snap out of it feather brain you have to protect them! How could you stand to just watch your Clanmates get hurt or worse die?! Shacking her head violently Buttercup had to come back to reality. Her closet friends could die here, Butterflywing might not make it back, her best friend. That couldn't happen!
Just then she caught sight of Fallenstar one of the leaders she almost felt sympathy for him but he'd demoted Rowanflower or was it Daisyshade again? Either way she couldn't understand the tom. His face full of so much hatred it made her sick. Almost shocked the bushy tailed feline noticed where the larger tom was heading, straight for Blazingstar. She knew very well that her leader was capable of handling himself but who could watch as someone changed someone you cared for? Blazingstar was important, the whole Clan needed him even if he made kittish decisions at times.

Taking flight off the cold ground, swift like a hare Buttercup ran to intercept Fallenstar. The ebony tom would have to go through her first. Why was she doing this? Honestly she wasn't sure she didn't want to spill but that was obviously what the male in front of her was thinking. "No!" Was the first words that came to mind. She wasn't sure what to start with. Claws stopping her from sliding, her tail high behind her. "I won't let you hurt my Clanmates! Even if they wronged you they don't deserve death!" She called her voice full or determination and emotion. Mixed ones really. There was no way of telling how he'd react she'd never been this close to the blurry tom not had she seen him in battle. "No more blood needs spilled! Thing's have gotten to far out of paw! Your Clan doesn't deserve this no one does, we should have just talked this over. Why do you all have to be so narrow minded!? We don't have to do this." Her thoughts seemed to just poored out of her mouth. Why now? If all times. She was faced with a leadre who was known for his outbursts.

This just needed to be over.

@Starfall hope you don't mind.
Adopting out all my characters but these two beans:
~Rainpaw~ ~Petuniaflame~

I'm leaving wco once I tie up losse ends around here, I appoligize for the Rps that will have to end but I thank you all for being so wonderful, love y'all