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Old August 25th, 2018, 08:33 AM
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goddess of ducks goddess of ducks is offline
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Default Re: Camp Half-Blood Roleplay

Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. View Post

Como had her feet dripped in the stream that she called her own. She moved her leg back and forth, watching as it melted into the water, and then became solid again. It was a motion she made to calm herself, looking around for anything to do once again, adjusting her hair, the blue stands shimmering in the sun.
The teenager walked through the woods, enjoying the temporary closeness he could feel to his mother. Vance walked slowly, hands in his pocket, right hand fingers fiddleing with the pocket knife drenched in rust. He looked at the ground as he walked, catching glimpses of the cream and blue grey head of his cat Clifford. He heard the sound of a stream not to far away and decided to make his way over to it, figuring that his feline companion might want something to drink. He walked between the trees, avoiding patches of sun. The summer like weather here at camp was sweltering, so the more he could stay in the trees the better. For the pure fun of it, Vance leaned over and shape shifted. His form took on that of a squirrel, catching his cat’s eye for a moment. Now lower to the ground, and senses more alert, Vance and his cat easily picked up the direction the stream. It wasn’t long before they came upon the trickling water, Vance and Clifford unaware of the blue haired nymph nearby.
~Mony will forever be my Twin Star~
~~ yo it’s nighty ~~
~~ I’m trying to come back. All my character will be scrapped and I’ll be starting over. Some of my characters will remain in Starclan, all my main ones. They’re open for roleplay if you would like that. Other than that I’m starting over completely. ~~