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Old August 1st, 2018, 08:46 AM
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Default Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie View Post

Ringpaw looked down at the poppies strewn before her.
She hadn’t seen them ever before, but she could imagine how vivid and beautiful they might look when in bloom, not sitting withered in a musty old den.
Ringpaw’s musty old den, she clarified with a grimace. As much as she loved the scent of rosemary, she thought it was, and other herbs, she couldn’t believe how Shinefang had stayed in here for so long without turning into a leaf!
Ringpaw snickered when she thought of Shinefang grouchily being blown around.
Ringpaw tentatively reached out her fuzzy left paw, and patted a poppy flower as a tester.
She was used to Shinefang explaining how to do things, so it was strange having just an example and her mind to figure out how to wrap them.
Ringpaw badly wanted to dissect the piece of leaf packaging, to see how it was folded around the herbs, but she fought that idea off and began.
Shinefang had originally shook out the black dots but they had rolled off the leaf and bounced around.
Carefully, using one black claw, she peeled away a stale red petal until each of them was extracted and set aside.
She dragged a green leaf towards her with her right paw, and bent the flower’s head towards the parcel-to-be to scrape of the seeds.
”Oh!” She exclaimed, when the tiny seeds wedged their way under her claws. It was like tiny pebbles, so she tried to clean them away.
After a moment of picking out seeds, carefully, so she didn’t swallow them, she quickly looked down at her work.
Seeds were scattered, and the head was almost half scraped away, so she pressed it into the leaf and rolled it around on the green.
The seeds popped off rather easily, so when she was done, she had gotten most of them in the parcel.
Now, how did Shinefang seal it?
Examining the reference, she folded one side in and wrapped it tightly around. Carefully, she plucked the other side and tried to dip it under and around the other side.
It looked a bit sloppy, but when she moved it no seeds fell out.
Suddenly, she heard her name from outside, her brown ears pricking upwards.
Ringpaw had just thought Shinefang had gone out to get a break from her, not chat!
Her interested piqued, she padded softly to the entrance of the den where she could poke her head out.
Her yellow furred mentor was chatting with a bigger, brown apprentice, who was gesturing towards another pink colored shecat.
Cranberpaw? Ringpaw searched her brain. She could have sworn to have seen her around the apprentice’s den.
Ringpaw suddenly remembered that she was supposed to be packaging poppy seeds, so she quickly ducked back inside, hopefully before anyone had seen her.
GorsePaw smiled at Ringpaw, this being their first interaction. "Hard at work I see." She dipped her head, she understood why the apprentice may have been a bit shy.
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