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Old July 28th, 2018, 11:14 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Duskflight View Post
Perhaps if situations were calmer, and less stress was settled on his shoulders, Grousestar might have had a different talk with Shinefang, and not chastised him in a relatively demeaning and belittling matter but.. He wasn't exactly his self lately. As much as he tried to hide it, sometimes it slipped out, especially when he was alone and not within view of the clan. It was hard to keep bottled up and out of sight.
But currently, the tom didn't see any fault in what he had said to his medicine cat. Instead, he seemed relatively happy to at least be done with that manner of business as the older tom promised that there would be no next time. He hoped for the clans sake that that was the truth. They didn't need another screw up like that. Not before they could use their secret and hopefully gain an upper hand. At least for a little bit. He hated thinking like this, but in the presence of these other clans, it was inevitable. Regardless of what he wanted, war would be scooping them up and throwing them in the mix.

After explaining to the one eyed tom the reasoning behind his decision, he would fall silent and focus his emerald eyes on the medicine cat, to listen to what he had to say. Even in a time like this, Grousestar appreciated any advice that the other tom was willing to give. Sometimes he wondered about his own decisions and whether or not they would be for the greater good of the clan. Of course he tried his best to make them all good, but he couldn't help but wonder if he's made choices that weren't so great.
"I would never throw caution to the wind." The brown tabby said almost defensively, the tip of his tail flicking just slightly before he forced himself to be quiet and hear the other tom out. He needed to breath, the stress and his own level of tiredness were wearing on him in a not so good fashion.

The faintest of smiles touched his lips at the joke, but there wasn't an audible chuckle or laugh to be heard from the leader. However his eyes did shine with hope at the mention of consulting Starclan, his head quickly nodding. "I would appreciate that. Their guidance is always appreciated and it seems like its been moons since I've heard anything from them. Perhaps it can help to.. To calm my nerves." The leader spoke more quietly in the final part of his sentence, in his mind he pondered if that was another source of stress. That he had heard so little from Starclan, the warrior ancestors he held so high and trusted so deeply for guidance. It was wearing on him.

"I would never throw caution to the wind."

Shinefang paused in the middle of his speech, staring at the Skyclan leader in surprise. It was only for a moment, but the way Grousestar had rushed to defend his position and the way his body seemed to tense as he did was alarming. In his seasons of leading Skyclan, Shinefang had seldom seen the brown tabby be anything but calm, collected and confident. Now he seemed downright rattled. Shinefang knew that Grousestar was bothered by all the stress among the clans, but clearly he had not guessed the extent. When the leader seemed to sag in relief after Shinefang offered to relay information from Starclan, the medicine cat swallowed a twinge of pity and fear. It was the same sort of relief he might had expected on the face of a cat in pain for whom he had just promised a helping of poppy seeds. "I'm sure it will," the old tom answered, his voice even. He paused for a breath, then added. "Speaking of your nerves, if you like I can give you some herbs to help you feel a little more relaxed. Nothing too heady," he added hastily, "Just something to help you feel calm but alert as you go about your day today." He made the offer with painted on confidence and concealed reservation. He wasn't sure how the leader would take to an offering of herbs for stress reduction in his current state but as tightly wound as the younger cat seemed now, it was still the level-headed Grousestar he was speaking to after all.
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