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Old June 10th, 2018, 05:57 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Training Plateau

Originally Posted by Charmer View Post
As they made their way out of the clearing and toward the training plateau, the young shecat continued to prattle on. She jabbers like a bird at dawn, he thought to himself, grunting in reply as they walked without really listening to what she was saying. It wasn't long before they reached the plateau and the old tom looked up at the flat stretch of stone above him. He sighed, realizing he hadn't had to climb the rock face for at least a pawful of greenleafs. Nevertheless, the old warrior unsheathed his claws and began to heave himself up the rockface. "Keep up!" he half shouted, half grunted as he climbed. The wind whipped through his yellow pelt as he made his way up in bursts, resting to catch his breath every few moments. It felt like a moon, but soon enough, he was hauling himself over the edge of the plateau and catching his breath on the wide expanse of rock. Just when he thought he had caught his breath, he felt his head swim and he sank to the ground, still huffing as he held up a paw. "Just...need...a minute..." he said between pants, coughing with the effort of speaking. His joints were on fire from the climb, and his heart was pounding in his chest.
Ringpaw bounced along through the woods after Shinefang, nervous about the battle session. She had no idea how much Shinefang would still know, but if he knew something; he was an even better mentor than Snapbranch if he remembered anything.
As they trotted through the woodland, she relished the sound of chirping birds around her. Green-leaf was here- no doubt about it. It was warm and blissful, and she took a moment to breathe in deeply to enjoy the cacophony of sights and smells.
Skyclan is beautiful. There is no other clan like this; no way no how. She thought, a mental purr rumbling through her skull. She may not be forestborn, but she was a Skyclanner through and through.
The duo soon arrived at the plateau, and she looked up to the training grounds.
Snapbranch never took her here, he was too embarrassed of his foolhardy apprentice.
“If another warrior sees you... and tells Grousestar or Auroraflame, Ringpaw. I’d be done for.”
Her mentor’s words ran through her brain. Even her mean denmates were nicer than him, they weren’t afraid to introduce her if needed!
Even at gatherings he shoved Ringpaw behind him when he spoke to others, as if even seeing Ringpaw would be a disgrace to him.
Purring, she jogged towards a large rock to begin the climb. She loved this slope, and as she dug in her claws to get ahold of the stone, she relished this. Just one moon as a warrior apprentice and it was all downhill, quite literally, as she hadn’t ever gone back up this hill.
“Me? Are you sure you don’t want me to help you?” She asked. What she had said to Shinefang may have sounded rude, so she made sure to add a helpful and caring lift to her voice. She didn’t want him looking at her like she thought he was old.
To be honest, most of the elders were much too crabby or sweet for her. She didn’t like sugarcoating cats; or plain stubborn cats. Shinefang was known to be grumpy, but he wasn’t that bad to be honest.
She turned and scrabbled up, and when she arrived at the top behind the yellow tabby tom she met his eye.
“Okay! Are you sure you don’t want to...” She trailed off awkwardly, not sure how to end it. He was already resting, and he couldn’t go see the medicine cat about unsteady breath. He was the medicine cat!
She shifted from paw to paw in apprehension.
What will he teach me? What if he finds out what a clutz I am? Or if I slip up on something simple? I’m still learning- but even Snowbranch didn’t want anything to do with me. Maybe he’ll show me how to get better.
Her river of thoughts streamed through her head, but she soon turned back to Shinefang, her split calico face smiling and her green eyes wide.


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