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Old November 25th, 2016, 08:06 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Duskflight View Post
After a few moments, the quiet tom was able to get his emotions under control, swallowing down the sadness and sorrow with food and instead focusing his thoughts on the prospect of hunting, something he loved to do, and strangely enough he loved to do it in the seasons of leaf-fall and leaf-bare, he saw it as more of a challenge for his skills, considering he was a very good hunter. Yarrowpounce was better with hunting than with talking with other cats, and it was something he was ashamed of but couldn't quite help.
Flinching a bit in surprise as he suddenly heard a quiet, muffled voice, the tom looked up at the she-cat standing there, asking if she could join him, his eyes glancing down for a moment before dawning a tiny smile and nodding his head. "I wou-wouldn't mind it.." Said the tom awkwardly, scooting over a bit to signify that she could sit with him, his mouse half-eaten.
He always felt awkward in the company of other cats, he never knew what to say, or what to do and it always ended up in awkward silence that became painful for the other cat, causing them to leave and for the quiet, meager tom to be alone again. Sighing quietly, he leaned his head down and took another bite, expecting this interaction to be just the same. There was only one cat that that didn't happen to, and that was Willowrain, and now she was gone.
Cootfleet nodded and settled beside the tom, putting enough distance between them that it wouldn't be too awkward but still close enough they were clearly eating together. She started working on her thrush and then paused to look up at Yarrowpounce. "You're Yarrowpounce, right? We've been on a few patrols together, I think. I'm Cootfleet." She sent him a soft smile before going back to pulling feathers from her bird. She did enjoy the taste of a thrush or other flying meal, but they were a pain to free of feathers at times. Finally it was clean enough to eat and she bit into it, thinking of conversations they could have to keep the silence at bay, not that she didn't mind it, but she definitely liked there to be some talking. "Oh, I remember we were on a hunting party once. You're a really great hunter, I can't believe you managed to catch that squirrel." As soon as the memory of that party came to mind she had to mention it, and she could only hope the tom had some recognition to that day, too. If he didn't, it'd be quite awkward for the two of them if she rambled about a day he couldn't recall.
"Lost no. Be happy."