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Old April 30th, 2018, 03:45 PM
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Default Re: Hunt or be hunted (! Private!)

Originally Posted by Florence + machine View Post
Archibald frowned as he saw the cave he grumbled and sat down inside it the cold stone ground making his paws cold he disliked it he wished that this would just be all a dream and he would wake up in his nice warm human den !. His floppy ears perked up once he heard the two males talking he tilted his head making him looking even more like a cute dork " are you...siblings ??.. I used to have a brother too...I wish I can help hunt truly...but...I'm as good as cat dung when it comes to it " he barked as his tail swished across the ground .he began to feel that awkward silence fill his ears making him feel uncomfortable but yet he wasn't the type that likes to be alone . The alapaha blue blood eyes lit as he saw food his stomach was rumbling he hasn't eaten in two days! He stood up and barked happily " good job peb! " he barked he walked over to the pile and sniffed it he looked at the others he wondered if he should ask but his stomach was overpowering his logic and he took a fish from the pile quickly now walking off in the cave a bit and layed down facing the others . He started eating the taste made him gag a bit " how can you eat this stuff? It's ...gross " he barked through eating .
Originally Posted by Ryder View Post
There was nothing bothersome about this particular cave to both males, never knowing the warmth of a human den, so this was ten times better than the cardboard boxes and dumpster bins that they had been used to hiding in when times got tough back then. However, both of them paused with there conversation and looked over at Archibald when he asked if the two males were siblings, making them exchange a glance before Anthony uttered an amused snort. “Well, that certainly is a first,” He mentioned under his breath before resting his head on his paws. The smaller brown-furred male looked to the other canine though and gave an apologetic smile before answering them. “Oh, we’re not siblings, we’re ma-” Ryder caught himself, his words getting stuck in his throat before he quickly changed his speech, “..good friends. We met each other on the streets when we were puppies and had each other’s backs for about four years now.” The large black-furred canine did not comment on what his companion said, simply listening and resting beside him on the cave floor. “I’m sorry to hear about your brother though,” Ryder mentioned lightly, “I’m not too good at hunting myself, but Anthony learned in order to keep our bellies full when it was needed.” There was another pause when the smaller canine looked out towards the cave’s entrance and the light pitter-patter of rain became to come down--which was expected and not surprising. The Australian shepherds tail wagged excited though when Pebble returned sooner than thought with plenty of food to go around for the group. “Yeah, awesome work! This looks delicious.” Ryder quickly got up and padded over to the pile, lightly tugging the ear of a rabbit carcass and dragging it back to Anthony as the larger male lifted his head. They were used to it when it came to sharing meals in the past, so there was no surprise that they still did it now. “You first,” The German shepherd murmured, knowing that Ryder needed it more than he did because of their size difference. The brown-furred canine knew there was no point in arguing, so without further ado, he began to tear into the warm flesh with a happy wag of his tail as he did so. “You should be thankful that you are able to eat at all in these difficult times,” Anthony barked at Archibald, who was whining over the taste of a fish.
Pebble took a fish and bit into it tearing some meat, she 'awwwed' quietly at the sight of Anothony and Ryder sharing food. She finished her fish quickly and watched te rain pour as it got heavier. The German shepherd layed down in a comfortable position.