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Old April 16th, 2018, 02:02 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Boba Fett View Post

Lightpaw nodded and smiled,"Thanks Shinefang. But how would swallowing something help with my paw?" he asked before taking the leaf in his mouth and chewing it. He continued chewing until he could taste the juice and he very carefully swallowed it. Though it seemed he wasn't careful enough, upon swallowing the juice he also swallowed some of the leaf. He forced himself no to spit it out and instead he asked,"Whe oo i it is ou Thinefan?" of course, that was supposed to mean 'Where do i spit this out Shinefang?' but talking through the pulp proved hard to Lightpaw.
Shinefang shrugged his boney, battle-scarred shoulders. "Beats me. How do herbs do anything? All I know is I give cats plants and things happen. You can spit the pulp on the ground, or go spit it out in the dirtplace," he answered. "It shouldn't take long for it to start easing the pain in your paw."
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