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Old April 15th, 2018, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by king kaleb! View Post
"good, i thought so," she purred, noting the apprentices enthusiasm. she was glad to have an apprentice that was so eager to learn, she knew how some young cats could be. lazy and unappreciative. she padded closer so she would be side by side to dawnpaw,"So for this, you get really low to the ground. you will mainly use this pounce when you are hiding and waiting for your target," she explained breifly,"but you get really low to the ground, but dont let your tail make any noise. and when the time it right, you can either strike for their legs, or jump and land against their chest." she demonstrated, keeping her body low to the ground, her fur being so long is dragged against it briefly. she was a large cat, a vareint of a mainecoon, so it sort of looked funny to see her crouch so small,"you balance all of your weight on your back legs and haunches, so you have less weight to worry about for your front paws and can move them quickly." the mewed,"You try!"

Dawnpaw's ears swiveled around as she listened to her mentor closely, trying to commit each word Wolfdancer spoke to memory. She not only wanted to get it right this time, but every time after this. The young feline wanted to be that apprentice that didn't need to be told a second time, the one that could master it by just being informed once. She watched Wolfdancer's moves, the way she rocked back onto her haunches and kept her tail in a straight line. Her head bobbed up and down in agreement, and she tried her best to mimic the warrior's position. She crouched low, her belly just barely brushing the ground, but her tail curved upwards a bit, twitching a bit as her nerve battled with her calmer self. "Like this?" she asked, moving her eyes from her paws to Wolfdancer, eyes shining as she looked through their blue hues to her mentor.
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walkin' in a winder wonderland~