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Old April 11th, 2018, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: An Unexpected Visitor [ Private ]

Originally Posted by Aurora Borealis View Post

Moon glanced around again, sensing movement. She barely opened her mouth, letting the woodland scents bathe her senses. New growth after a long leaf-bare, yep. A hint of rain, that was normal. Woodland creatures, yes. After a long moment, Moon closed her maw once more. With a shake of her head, she sighed. Paranoia, that was all it was. She’d been alone for so long, the insanity was starting to creep in. Frustrated, the loner stomped on the fresh grass with an unsheathed paw, sending dirt upward and upturning the grass. With one last sigh and shake of her head, Moon started walking again.
Just a few more pawsteps and she stopped in her tracks. She felt like she was being... watched. It was like a prickling sensation in her fur. She turned around once more, and decided to investigate further. A part of her screamed that it was just paranoia. And part of it was. But she didn’t like the feeling that some weird cat might be watching her.
Quickly, she went over the options in her head. One was to be intimidating and threaten the cat to come out. She eliminated that one. Moon could also just poke around and try to find someone or something. Not the best option, but not out yet. She could calmly coax the cat out... but that’d make her look stupid if it was only a prey creature. ’ugh!’ Moon thought, frustrated once more. She quickly calmed herself once more and decided to try to coax the cat out with promises of peace. If it was a prey creature, no one would be there to make fun of her. It’d just be a juicy meal.
Moon made herself to look as non-threatening as possible. She remained standing, but made sure to flatten her fur. She’s sheathed her claws, and crouched down a bit. Feeling satisfied, she called out. “Okay... whoever’s there. Please come out. I won’t hurt you.”
Ocean automatically froze, his mind running wild. The only scent he could smell was the one of the loner in front of him, and a nearby rabbit. Despite the temptation, he’d rather live off the few fish he could catch, and the herbs that he believed could cure his hunger for awhile. He wasn’t one of the medicine cats that the clans had, but he had tidbits of knowledge, and those helped him. Enzo has hunted, so the small tom seemed to almost be caving in on himself, living off fish and herbs. Nonetheless, he believed he was still strong, it was just the lack of nutrients. Of course, this wasn’t good for him, but he believed he was fine.
He flinched when he saw the cat turn around. Sure, he wasn’t exactly trying to stalk them, but- who was he kidding? This was the first sign of life other then prey and twolegs. He was so happy to see someone else for the first time in ages. Despite all that, he still hung back, fear keeping him from going any farther. While Ocean wanted this cat to be nice, he couldn’t guarantee that they would be, and tried to find any sign that they might be. He was now waiting for any kind of sign that showed he could say hi, and he got it a few moments later. Taking a deep breath breath and trying to evaluate the pros and cons of coming out, he padded out of the bushed where he had been hiding, and automatically regretted it, feeling extremely awkward. “Sorry...” he murmured, which only made him more flustered, trying to smile to the best of his ability. “Erm...hi...?”
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