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Old March 18th, 2018, 11:38 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by RedHead View Post

“Okay, just... don’t look down.” Wolfglare mumbled to himself, digging his claws deeper into the soft bark of the tree he was attempting to climb. The large tom had never been able to fully scale a tree. Not due to a fear, well, actually, maybe a little, but mainly due to his immense size and ability to snap small tree limbs right off the trunk. Taking in a gasping breath, the tom unlatched one paw from the trunk, slowly. Then he placed it higher above his head, in order to lift himself higher up the trunk. Unfortunately, his paw slipped, and the warrior tumbled to the ground. Which had only been a mouse length below him. Huffing at his own stupidity, Wolfglare stood, shaking out his thick pelt. He quickly looked over it to assure himself that it wasn’t messed up, then licked a paw and ran it over his head.

As he was doing so, a sudden scent reached the toms nose. Taking a deeper breath, he recognized the scent of that cat with the ridiculously long name. Chrysanthemumshade. Padding forward, Wolfglare followed his nose, walking a few fox lengths before spotting a gray pelt through the trees. Determined to not be scented by the feline, Wolfglare moved around her so he was upwind, where her scent blew towards him. For such a large tom, Wolfglare moved with a gracefulness through the woods that would not be expected from a cat his size.
Crouching low in the bushes, Wolfglare narrowed his icy colored eyes as he watched the molly. The tom has decided that maybe now would be a good time to start his little experiment. And he knew that once he started it, there would be no backing out for him. But he was ready.
Her head looked from left to right, trying to find some outlet in this area. Chrysanthemumshade took a few steps forward. Each paw reluctant after the other. She abruptly stopped - head swiftly turning each way, and her ears perked forward. What was that noise? She was pretty sure wherever that noise came from - whatever that noise was...someone had to hurt themselves badly. Though she doubted it was a cat. Perhaps it was a bird, or some other type of small critter trying to climb up a tree but failed in the end. Then again...that was too loud of a crash for it to be anything small.

Whatever it was - it made her move a lot quicker. When she approached a certain checkpoint, she slowed down. “How in the world can I get lost in my own clan?” She snorted. She was a bit displeased, and her annoyance was somewhat showing through. The Molly turned her head back, wondering if it would be the easiest path to the clearing. “I’ve done some stupid things but this has got to be one of the worst -’s not true.” Chrysanthemumshade thought about finding her way back to the clearing, but if a couple cats seen her without prey, they would accuse her of being a louse to the clan! She couldn’t afford that! So many cats would dislike her! “I know for certain I can’t go back without prey. My clan mates would be at my throat.” Chrysanthemumshade whimpered. “They’d probably skin me alive and use my fur to be the new nest of Goldenstar!” That simple sentence made her eyes bulge, freezing in her spot as she imagined the outrageous crime. She couldn’t lose her pelt! It was soft...pristine...smelled was just too precious to her. Shuffling to her paws, Chrysanthemumshade tried to muster up a bright grin. “It’s just hunting. How hard can it be? Simple! Any cat can do. Aren’t we all natural born hunters anyway? Tá!” It was easy to pip her confidence, because it was easier said than done. Yet because she never actually went hunting before, she didn’t know the first process of it. So, she stood there dumbfounded for a moment as she blinked through her mind the many times a mentor showed their apprentice how to hunt. Following afterwards, she decided to start out by lowering her head to the ground, hoping to whiff up a scent of anything nearby, but her own scent had engulfed her nostrils causing her to look up and let out a blow of air. “Hunting is easy they say! Any cat can do it they say! All I wanna do is go back to the clearing and soak in the sun. I’m not asking for much am I, Starclan?” Though she supposed that this was her own fault. Her wishing to get away from work made her run straight into the opportunity. No matter how much she whined, she refused to go back to the clearing without a catch. She rather hunt than be embarrassed by her clan mates.
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